Vaccination programs may take longer to reach the citizens if it solely relies on the conventional procedures. Fortunately, Jakarta has JAKI that eases the registration of Covid-19 vaccination for its users. Let's dig deeper into the feature!
The Beginning of JAKI Vaccination Feature

The vaccination feature in JAKI was developed through the hard work of many parties, namely the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Agency and the Jakarta Smart City. Jakarta Smart City is responsible for creating business flows, determining what features users can access, and integrating data from the Jakarta Health Agency and the Civil Registry Service Agency. The Jakarta Health Agency plays a role in finding solutions to various problems that often occur in the field as well as compiling citizens’ complaints.
Initially, the vaccination feature is targeted to the elderly, who were prioritized in getting vaccinated immediately. However, finding a vaccination location can be a hard task for senior citizens as they might have limitations to move around looking for health facilities that provide Covid-19 vaccines. Seeing this, Jakarta believes that JAKI can be the answer to overcome this problem, by providing registration features. Undoubtedly, not only the feature helps citizens to find the nearest vaccination location, JAKI has also succeeded in reducing the queue time and cutting down the process at vaccination centers which makes the whole process three times faster.
Now, the feature is available for all people and not limited to the elderly only. In fact, if you want to register for the second dose, you can choose the location and time of vaccination at your convenience. Moreover, registration via JAKI isn’t only reserved for receiving vaccines at health facilities, you can use JAKI to register for vaccination programs in vaccination centers and vaccine cars.
[Vaccination Schedule and Location in Jakarta]
Up to this day, the Jakarta Health Agency, Jakarta Smart City, PeduliLindungi, and the Civil Registry Service Agency are continuously developing JAKI to cater the needs of all citizens.
What’s in the Vaccination Feature?
When you’re registering for vaccination at JAKI, you’ll come across pages that require you to fill in the information column. Let's take a look!
Vaccination Status
Tap the vaccination banner on the homepage to register yourself. After that, fill in your Identity Number and full name. In seconds, you will be presented with your vaccination status which explains whether a person has not been vaccinated, has been vaccinated for the first dose, or has been completely vaccinated.

If you haven’t been vaccinated, your vaccination status will be marked with red color. You can register yourself by clicking Daftar Vaksinasi COVID-19.

Status with orange color means you’ve received the first dose.

Lastly, if you’ve been fully vaccinated, the vaccination status at JAKI will be showing the green color.
[The Meaning of Color from Vaccination Status in JAKI]
Vaccination Registration
At this point, you might’ve already known the advantages of using JAKI for vaccine registration. Yup, with JAKI, you can pick your vaccination schedule and location according to your need. Before choosing a schedule and location, you need to complete all of your personal data. Here’s what you’ll see when choosing your vaccination schedule.

After you click Kirim, you’ll see a confirmation screen that states the registration was successful.

Next step is pre-screening. This step is needed so that the queue time won’t take too long at the vaccination location. When the user has answered the question to the end, a thank you page along with your vaccination schedule will appear. This is how the pre-screening in JAKI looks like.

The results of the pre-screening are the Kartu Kendali Vaksinasi and Kartu Vaksinasi which you need to print and show to the vaccination officer.

Kartu Kendali (including pre-screening form that has been filled in)

Kartu Vaksinasi which must be kept until the second dose
JAKI's Successful Move in Vaccination Program
The availability of vaccines in Indonesia certainly brings hope for us. Jakartans are filled with high enthusiasm to register themselves and their loved ones for the Covid-19 vaccine. As of August 8, 2021, there were more than 727,789 Jakarta citizens as well as non Jakartans who registered for vaccination via JAKI.

The Newest System that Completes JAKI
JAKI continues to update its data and systems so it can serve the best service for all citizens of Jakarta. Now, JAKI is equipped with a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) verification system. CAPTCHA functions in JAKI is to protect JAKI from malicious bot that may damage the system.
After entering your NIK and full name when registering for vaccination, you need to check on the ‘I'm not a robot’ column. A CAPTCHA will appear to verify that you’re a real human.

CAPTCHA that will appear when you’re registering for vaccination at JAKI
Smarticitizen, we’ve scrutinized the complete process of vaccination registration in JAKI.This flow and the designs are indeed made as concise and clear as possible to make it easier for JAKI users to follow the whole process. So, how about you? Have you registered for your Covid-19 vaccine with JAKI? Get JAKI on Play Store and App Store now and don’t let yourself be the one who’s missing out!