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Get Access to Public Spaces in Jakarta with Digital Vaccination Status

Teresa Simorangkir

19 August 2021

The vaccination program in Jakarta is progressing relatively fast. In June, Jakarta was targeted to deliver 7.5 million of first doses to the citizens. As a result, Jakarta successfully completed this target in July. The 7.5 million people consist of 4.5 million people with Jakarta ID and the rest are those without a Jakarta ID. As of now, as many as 9 million people are already vaccinated in the Jakarta area. Are you one of those 9 million people?

During the vaccination program, every development regarding the vaccination is continuously monitored. Based on the gathered data, it can be concluded that the vaccine is indeed effective to reduce heavy symptoms and death caused by Covid-19. Therefore, Jakarta Provincial Government has now decided that vaccination is required for those who want to access public places. This means you must be already vaccinated (at least first dose) before being allowed to enter offices, markets, or other public spaces. To prove that you’ve been vaccinated, you can access the digital vaccination status provided by JAKI. Through digital vaccination status, it’s able to show whether a person hasn’t been vaccinated, has had the first dose, or has received two complete doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

What’s the Difference Between Digital Vaccination Status and Vaccine Certificate?

A vaccination certificate is an official certificate issued by the Ministry of Health as proof that a person has been vaccinated. Meanwhile, the JAKI digital vaccination status is documentation of a person’s vaccination status which data is gathered from PeduliLindungi and the Ministry of Health. For comparison, here’s JAKI digital vaccination status and vaccine certificates:

JAKI digital vaccination status

Vaccine certificate

Then, why is digital vaccination status necessary? The feature aims to provide easier access to vaccination status with an official and reliable method. Recently, unauthorized parties have been offering printing services of vaccine certificates which isn’t recommended because it puts you in a potential data breach. Vaccine certificates contain personal information that should only be accessed by you and the authorities. The digital vaccination status provided by JAKI ensures the confidentiality of your data and you can access it easily through your smartphone.

What is the Function of Digital Vaccination Status?

The use of digital vaccination status has been regulated through Governor's Decree Number 987 of 2021. So, digital vaccination status in JAKI is definitely valid to use before entering public spaces in Jakarta. In order to enter public spaces, you need to be able to prove that you’ve been at least vaccinated for the first dose. However, the regulation doesn’t apply to children under 12 years old, those who haven’t passed three months since recovered from Covid-19, and those who don’t meet the medical requirements to be vaccinated. To make up for the nonexistent vaccination status, people with these criteria are required to show laboratory results and a medical statement from a doctor before visiting public areas.

How to Access JAKI Digital Vaccination Status

JAKI has three color indicators to show your vaccination status. Status with red color means you haven’t been vaccinated, orange means you have received the first dose, and green means you’ve completed the first and second Covid-19 vaccination. Follow these steps to access your digital vaccination status:

  1. Tap the Daftar Vaksinasi Covid-19 banner on the homepage

  2. Enter your ID number and full name according to your ID card

  3. Digital vaccination status will appear

More JAKI Features To Help You

Is there someone in your family that hasn’t been vaccinated yet? Or, do you want to change your second dose vaccination location? Do everything through the Daftar Vaksinasi Covid-19 banner on the homepage! More than that, not only developing vaccination features, JAKI recently has released the JakAmbulans feature to facilitate access to ambulances for emergencies. One more useful feature is JakLapor, which you can use to report problems related to our city, Jakarta.

The opening of public spaces in Jakarta will be carried out in stages. Vaccinations will continue to be given to protect all of us. If you haven't been vaccinated yet, what are you waiting for? Go register yourself via JAKI and get the application on the App Store and Google Play Store. Jakarta has been bringing positive improvement to the current pandemic situation but we still have a long way to go. So please stay at home, keep on doing the health protocols, and don't let the things we’ve been working on so hard go in vain!

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Teresa Simorangkir

A writer and a lifelong learner.

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