Smartcitizen, have you heard the news about the new relaxed mask mandate in Jakarta? Yup, President Joko Widodo had announced this last week. All of these new regulations regarding the use of masks in Jakarta are summarized in the Instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) No. 26 of 2022. However, the new regulation does not mean that you can drop wearing a mask in all places in Jakarta. There are some places and conditions that require us to keep wearing masks as usual. If you want to know the full details, read this article.
Where Should You Still Wear a Mask?
You are required to wear a mask in public transportation, closed spaces, or if you are a person with chronic illness or have symptoms of cough or cold. When you are on public transportation, you will share a small space with other people. Thus, viruses can be transmitted easier if you don't wear a mask. The same goes to when you are in a closed room. Poor ventilation causes less than optimum air exchange, causing the virus to spread easily. Regarding the elderly or people with comorbidities, their health conditions are usually more susceptible to getting infected. Therefore, if you are having one of these conditions, keep protecting yourself and others by wearing a mask.

You Are Allowed Not to Wear Masks When...
You are outdoors or in an open area that is not crowded with people. However, if you are included in the vulnerable people category, are elderly, have a comorbid disease, or experience symptoms of a cough or cold, you must still wear a mask even when outdoors. Even though some individuals may no longer wear masks outdoors or in uncrowded areas, you are still advised to avoid crowds to minimize the possibility of contracting the virus.
But, It's Better to Still Wear a Mask, Anyway....
The government has indeed allows Smartcitizens with certain criteria to be masks-free under certain conditions. However, it would be better if you keep on guard by wearing a mask. Because, lately we have also started to witness an outbreak of another virus other than Covid-19, which is acute hepatitis.
A brief information, acute hepatitis was found in the UK on April 5, 2022. Its spread continued and now 650 cases are found, generally among children, in 33 countries including Indonesia. This disease usually causes gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The symptoms may continue with other symptoms such as thick urine, pale white stools, yellow skin and eyes, to decreased consciousness.
So, what does this have to do with wearing a mask? Well, acute hepatitis can be transmitted through food or air. Therefore, wearing a mask can prevent the transmission of hepatitis disease and it would be better if you wear it, even when outdoors/spaces are not crowded with people. For better protection, try using a two-layer mask and replacing it after using it for more than four hours.
There you have the latest regulations regarding the use of masks in Jakarta. In the midst of virus transmission, it is very important for you to obey health protocols and maintain cleanliness. Wash your hands with soap so that the food that goes into your mouth is not contaminated with viruses, keep physical distance from other people, and use masks properly and correctly. Hopefully in the future there will be no more viruses spreading. In the meantime, stay safe, Smartcitizen!