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Find Out About Jakarta Social Cash Transfer Here

Mike Nafizahni

22 July 2021

The Jakarta Provincial Government held another social assistance program to help people affected by Covid-19 through the Social Cash Transfer program. The entire regulation related to the implementation of this Social Cash Transfer program Phase 5 and 6 is listed in the Governor’s Decree No. 898 of 2021. This program is expected to help alleviate basic needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is some important information about Social Cash Transfer that you need to know. 

What is Social Cash Transfer?

Social Cash Transfer (BST) is social assistance provided to the citizens affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to meet their basic needs.

Jakarta Social Cash Transfer is certainly different from the Central Government Social Cash Transfer. The Central Government Social Cash Transfer is distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs through PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). Meanwhile, Jakarta Social Cash Transfer is social assistance sourced from the DKI Jakarta Regional Budget and channeled to the Bank DKI accounts of the recipients.

Who Are The Recipients of Social Cash Transfer? 

The total recipients of Phase 5 and 6 Cash Social Assistance are 1,007,379 families. Families who receive Social Cash Transfer are proposed and recommended by the DKI Jakarta Social Services so that the assistance can target the right people.

As additional information, the recipients of Social Cash Transfer Phase 1 Replacement are entitled to the assistance funds in Phase 5 and 6. Thus, the social assistance they get is obtained from Phase 2 to Phase 6 only. 

What Underlies The Change in The Numbers of Recipients? 

There was a change in the number of recipients, from 1,039,066 families in Phase 4 of Social Cash Transfer to 1,007,379 families for Phase 5 and 6. The changes were caused by distribution failure during the first four phases, with additional data adjustment for 99,763 families stored by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The failure of distribution up to Phase 4 occurred because of several conditions, namely:

  1. The recipient not responding to the first, second, third, and fourth invitation, with the latter is given for recipient who encounters troubled distribution on 24-25 May 2021;

  2. Duplicate Identity Number;

  3. Move out from DKI Jakarta;

  4. The head of the family died without a designated heir.

As already mentioned, in the Social Cash Transfer Phase 5 and 6, there are 31,687 families that were taken out because of distribution failure. Up till now, the Department of Social Affairs also continues to make adjustments to 99,763 families because there are indications of duplication with the data on Social Cash Transfer held by the Ministry of Social Affairs of Indonesia.

How Much Social Cash Transfer Funds Are Provided? 

Social Cash Transfer funds Phase 5 and 6 (May and June 2021) are given to the recipients on 19 July 2021 in the amount of IDR 300 thousand per month. So that the total assistance funds given for 2 months is Rp600 thousand per family head. Assistance is provided in the form of cash that can be withdrawn via ATM.  On July 19, 2021, the top-up was done to 907.616 families.

Check If You’re One of The BST Recipients

After knowing about Jakarta Social Cash Transfer, it's time to find out whether you are one of the recipients or not. All of the names of Social Cash Transfer Phase 5 and 6 are included in the Governor’s Decree No. 898 of 2021. In addition, you can also check it via the site by entering your KK number in the Search column. Besides that, you can also check it through the JAKI application. The steps are easy.

First, download the JAKI application via Google Play Store or App Store.

Then open the JAKI application.

Then select the Informasi Bansos menu.

Enter your KK number to see if you are a Social Cash Transfer recipient or not.

Jakarta Provincial Government Rice Aid

Aside from BST, the Jakarta Provincial Government also provides non-cash assistance in the form of rice for Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM). KPM itself is the recipient of BST phase 5 and 6 as many as 1,007,379 KPM. The distribution schedule starts from 29 July, 2021 to 17 August, 2021. For now, rice assistance has been distributed to 907,616 KPM, while the rest is still in process.

The rice assistance provided is in the form of 10 kilograms of premium rice, distributed directly by the Jakarta Provincial Government to the RW level. Furthermore, the hamlet (RW) and neighbourhood (RT) will continue the distribution to the recipients. You can check the rice assistance recipients here.

How to File a Complaint Regarding Social Cash Transfer and Rice Aid

If you have a complaint or question regarding Social Cash Transfer or rice aid program, you can contact the Jakarta Provincial Social Service call center via phone number: (021) 426 5115 or (021) 2268 4824 or call phone number 0821-1142-0717 (WhatsApp chat only) during weekdays (Monday till Friday) from 8 AM to 5 PM. You can also report Social Cash Transfer or rice aid distribution problems such as illegal fees through the Jakarta Provincial Government CRM channel, social media of @DKIJakarta, or through the JakLapor feature in the JAKI application by selecting the report category "Bantuan Sosial" (Social Assistance). 

[JAKI’s New Hide Report Feature Helps You Report Safely]

Both the Social Cash Transfer and rice aid program is a hope for people affected by Covid-19 to get through the pandemic that has not ended. For that, you can help support these programs by monitoring the Social Cash Transfer and the rice aid program to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness.

Citizens of Jakarta

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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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