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BST Phase 2 Informations That You Need to Know

Amira Sofa

25 March 2021

Smarticitizen, the Cash Social Assistance Phase 2 is here! Cash Social Assistance (BST) itself is a social assistance program provided by the Jakarta Provincial Government to help people who are affected by Covid-19. It is hoped that this assistance can slightly ease the burden on the assistance recipients, especially to meet their basic needs. 

Then, who are the BST Phase 2 recipients? How is the mechanism? Let’s read below. 

Change of Recipients Data

In BST Phase 2, there are several changes in the recipients data. Regulations which stipulate that the recipients of BST are the people affected by Covid-19 who are not included as the recipients of Social Assistance for Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPKNT) are still valid. However, there are some BST Phase 1 recipients who won’t receive BST Phase 2. Likewise, there will be new recipients of the BST Phase 2. 

Why does this happen? This decision was made based on an RT/RW proposal through Forum Musyawarah Kelurahan held in February 2021. Some individuals who are not able to continue BST to Phase 2 are due to certain conditions, as follows:  

  • Misuse of BST cards (traded, etc);

  • There are changes in the results of sub-district meetings and field verification by regional officials;

  • Duplication with PKH and BPNT social assistance recipients;

  • Individuals have moved/died/no longer entered the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS);

  • Individuals have steady incomes.

Meanwhile, the results of the BST Phase 1 evaluation which were based on the proposed results of the sub-district meeting stated that there were citizens who are worthy and meet the criteria to receive social assistance, but did not receive it in the previous phase of BST. Therefore, these citizens will be registered as recipients of the BST Phase 2. 

Distribution and Withdrawing Mechanism

There is no change regarding the distribution mechanism of BST Phase 2 compared to the previous phase. Those who are registered recipients will get an invitation containing the schedule and location of BST distribution. When visiting distribution locations, recipients need to bring a distribution invitation, Identity Card (KTP), and Family Card (KK), both original and copies.

BST Phase 2 is distributed on the 2nd week of March through the accounts of BST recipients simultaneously. For recipients who have been registered in BST Phase 1 but have not attended the card distribution, don’t worry. The Jakarta Provincial Government, through Bank DKI, has invited back the distribution recipient account cards through the invitation schedule that has been given.

Check BST Phase 2 Recipients With JAKI 

After reading the provisions of BST Phase 2 regarding recipients data, you might be wondering whether you are a BST recipient of this stage or not. No need to worry, you can find it out easily through website. You can also check BST Stage 2 recipients with just one grip by using JAKI! Easy, right?

First, download JAKI application via Google Play Store or App Store. Then, open it. Select the Informasi Bansos Covid-19 menu. Enter your Family Card (KK) number to find out whether you are a BST recipient or not.

In the midst of a pandemic like this, Cash Social Assistance (BST) is a ray of hope for the people affected by Covid-19. As good citizens of Jakarta, let’s support the Jakarta Provincial Government program by supervising the implementation of BST Phase 2! You can report BST misuse through the JakLapor feature on JAKI. No need to hesitate, JakLapor will guarantee the confidentiality of your identity. 

PSBB Social Aid

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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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