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JSC Talks Vol. 15: Check Vaccination Schedule for the Elderly With JAKI

Tiffany Aisyah Septiana

01 April 2021

Vaccination continues to be the talk of our fight against this pandemic. Which is not surprising since vaccination is an effort  that we do to fortify ourselves from Covid-19. This issue makes an interesting topic  in JSCTalks Volume 15, on March 25, 2021.

JSC Talks Volume 15 discusses all information on vaccination phase 2, especially regarding features in JAKI that can be used by vaccine recipients, especially the elderly, to check vaccination schedules and locations. Two speakers were invited, namely dr. Vita (Head of Vector and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Section of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office), and Dwi Yanti Siregar (System Analyst Jakarta Smart City). Both discussed the vaccination process from two perspectives, the implementation by health workers, and the development of information technology carried out by Jakarta Smart City. This discussion was moderated by Ma'shum Abdul Jabbar (IT Operations & Maintenance Assistant Jakarta Smart City).

Providing the Best Service For the Elderly

Since January 15, vaccination has started in Jakarta. Vaccinations Phase 2 that is currently being carried out in Jakarta also focuses on the elderly, or those who are 60 years or older. In the implementation of vaccination, the Jakarta Health Office collaborates with various public health stakeholders so that more people, especially the elderly, can get their right to be vaccinated against Covid-19 according to the predetermined time. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office has a target that phase 2 of vaccination for the elderly to be completed by March 31, 2021. The implementation of the vaccination is carried out in two ways, static and dynamic. Static vaccination carried out with vaccine recipients visiting health facilities to get vaccinated. In order Where to facilitate vaccine recipients, especially for the elderly, vaccination is carried out in a dynamic way, by adjusting the area of vaccination to the area where the elderly live in order to facilitate  elderly mobility to visit the vaccination site.


The flow of vaccination is carried out in collaboration between Dinkes and Dukcapil to determine the data on vaccine recipients  and to determine the schedule and location after registering through the Ministry of Health website or by certain agencies and organizations. After that, the elderly vaccine recipients will get an online queue / SMS blast / WhatsApp blast / or they can come directly to the vaccination location which can also be seen through the JAKI application. After visiting the health facility location, the vaccine recipients need to follow directions to visit tables 1 to 4 to get the vaccinations, start from the enrollment stage to the registration and finally they will receive a card as a vaccination recipient.

[COVID-19 Vaccination: A Step-by-Step Guide for Elderly]

Health workers will try to optimally give the best services, one of which is by explaining the side effects that might be felt by the recipient such as drowsiness, fever and others. Therefore, the elderly who will be vaccinated must be ready, have eaten, and calm or not panic. Health workers will also tell about what to do after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

Based on the data from DKI Jakarta Population and Civil Registry Office (Dukcapil), 911. 631 elderly have been selected to receive vaccination, and 40.58% of them have been vaccinated. While the remaining 59.2% or 515,836 are still in the queue, which the government will try to complete by the end of March. Vaccination for the elderly has a daily quota of 78,198 in 468 vaccination locations in Jakarta.

Source: as of March 24, 2021 at 18.00 WIB


Dr. Vita described the challenges that currently experienced by Jakarta Health Office in relation to vaccination, namely: the system has not optimally utilizing information technology, the challenge of mobilizing the elderly to vaccination locations, community stigma, limited health personnel or vaccinators, limited number of health facilities, and the simultaneous vaccination for public services.

Check Vaccination Schedule With JAKI

 From the challenges that she described, dr. Vita stated that hese challenges could be overcome by collaborating with Jakarta Smart City through the vaccination scheduling system in the JAKI application. This schedule can be seen by vaccination recipients, especially the current elderly who are over 60 years old and have a DKI Jakarta ID card.

The development of vaccineschedule could be done through a rather long process, as told by Dwi Yanti Siregar as a System Analyst at Jakarta Smart City. The system development process uses the Scrum Agile Methodology to get a short and gradual time. Dwi also explained the process of collecting data from the Dukcapil so that it could be seen through the vaccination feature on JAKI or the website

In obtaining the schedule, Jakarta Smart City collaborates with the Dukcapil . The data obtained are in the form of name, address, National Identity Number (NIK) and the total elderly who will be vaccinated. After getting the data, then the Health Office will provide a daily quota and / or quota from the Health Facilities. The data will be adjusted and matched from the Dukcapil and health facility quota from the Health Office. Once matched, the data will also be sorted by region, which makes it easier for the elderly to mobilize to the vaccination site near their home.

After completion, the data will be given to the relevant health facilities and the surrounding RT RW which then will inform the elderly in their neighborhood who received the vaccine to come to the vaccination location according to the predetermined schedule. After the elderly have received the vaccine, data will be given to PeduliLindungi which will  proceed the information on vaccine status or the stages towards the second dose of vaccination. The data provided is in the form of names of the elderly, NIK and location of vaccinations. All the status, as well as the follow-up schedule for vaccinations, can be seen through JAKI and website.

After getting the vaccination schedule, vaccine recipients can also carry out independent pre-screening at JAKI. Pre-screening can be done by answering questions about health conditions, by conducting independent pre-screening will help health workers during vaccination. Pre-screening is carried out at least 3 days to know whether the recipient of the vaccination is safe to be vaccinated.

Jakarta Smart City continues to  support the implementation of vaccination in Jakarta through the JAKI application. Currently, JSC is developing its features so that elderly people who live in Jakarta but do not have a Jakarta ID card can still register for vaccination manually at JAKI. Therefore, download JAKI now through the Google Play Store and App Store to find out information on vaccinations and about Covid-19 in Jakarta.


JSC Talks

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Tiffany Aisyah Septiana

Not a good writer, just a random writer.

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