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Try These JAKI Features Before Your Covid-19 Booster Shot

Siti Sarah S.

24 January 2022

While you wait for Transjakarta to arrive, the news of the Covid-19 booster vaccination started to appear in your social media timeline. Some people have also started discussing it in group chats. You begin to wonder, is it true that booster vaccines have already been rolled out to the general public? You remember a few months ago when you received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccines, you were relieved that you were not only trying to protect yourself, but also those around you. If indeed the booster vaccine has been rolled out, you can be sure to be part of the recipients. 

You return to cyberspace, looking for information, a confirmation, regarding the truth of the booster vaccine. It turned out to be true, the National Immunization Expert Advisory Committee or ITAGI, based on a study through letter number ITAGI/SR/2/2022 recommended giving a booster dose to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine. In addition, the Ministry of Health has also issued a Circular Letter Number: HK.02.02/111/252/2022 regarding Advanced Dose (Booster) Covid-19 Vaccination. Even so, getting a booster vaccine is only allowed for 18 years and over with the priority of the elderly first. You still have to wait in line.

During last year's vaccination, you registered via the JAKI application. The method is easy and effective. While waiting for your booster vaccination turn, it's a shame if you do not touch other JAKI features. So, now it is your time to explore some of them.

Safe Entrance Feature

The Transjakarta bus you are riding has arrived at the bus stop near your office, you put your smartphone in your pocket and get off the bus. After walking and arriving at the entrance of your office building, you reopen your smartphone and the screen immediately shows the JAKI application that you had opened earlier. It is precisely what you need, JAKI to check-in into your office building through the Safe Entrance feature.

You scan the QR Code in front of your building entrance and the Safe Entrance feature screen shows a green color which means you have been vaccinated and are not infected with Covid-19. Initially, you downloaded JAKI to register for Covid-19 vaccines, but it turns out that the Safe Entrance feature, in collaboration with PeduliLindung, is very useful during the pandemic to ensure that those who are in the same building have been vaccinated and are not positive for Covid-19. While waiting for your turn for booster vaccination, this feature is probably a feature that you use almost every day for activities away from home.

JakWarta Feature

When you walk into your office, your notification sounds, it turns out that the notification about the daily vaccination schedule from the JakWarta feature in JAKI. In the morning there is usually a notification of the vaccination schedule, while in the afternoon there is usually Covid-19 Case, Test and Vaccination Data entered into your smartphone. This JakWarta feature will also inform various news and other information in Jakarta that Jakarta residents need to know, so that you are always up-to-date with various information in Jakarta. Information about booster vaccinations may also be included in this feature when the time comes. While waiting, reading various news on JakWarta will be very helpful.

Maintaining Health Protocols

While waiting for your booster vaccines, you must remain vigilant and disciplined in maintaining health protocols (wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, reducing mobility, avoiding eating together). It is still the primary way for you to not be exposed to the SARS-Cov-2 virus. 

And even when you are already vaccinated, preventive measures must still be maintained. In addition, you also remember that during the last vaccination, you had to be in good health to receive the vaccine, so taking care of your own health until your turn comes must also be considered. 

Of course, you also feel that with the various benefits that JAKI offers, you will continue to explore the various features in this JAKI superapp. There is still a JakLapor feature to report PPKM restriction violations and problems in Jakarta, there is a JakAmbulans feature if you encounter an emergency situation that requires an ambulance, and there is even a Jaknaker feature which helps you in finding job vacancies in Jakarta. So, make sure to check out those features later. If your turn comes for a booster vaccination, you are sure that the JAKI application will always be there for you. JAKI is now available for you to download at Google Play Store or Apple App Store.


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Siti Sarah S.

A content writer for Jakarta Smart City who loves engaging in meaningful works that makes a good impact for society even in a simple and subtle way. She is also a linguistics enthusiast and an avid reader who loves prose and poetry. Say hi to her on Twitter and IG: @sarafizaa or email to

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