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PCare, PeduliLindungi and JAKI Accelerates Vaccination in Jakarta

Siti Sarah S.

21 September 2021

The JAKI app,a super application developed by the Government of Jakarta, has helped many residents’ problems so far, from JakLapor as a channel for reporting problems in Jakarta, JakPantau to monitor floods, to JakAmbulans which can help you to quickly call an emergency ambulance. During this pandemic, JAKI also presents various features for you to use, one of which is the easy and effective vaccination registration feature. Have you tried it, Smartcitizen?

With the spirit of collaboration, recent features in JAKI can be made available thanks to collaboration with various departments in Jakarta. The same spirit of collaboration is also present in developing the vaccination registration feature at JAKI. In collaboration with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) through the PeduliLindungi application and BPJS’ PCare system, JAKI can provide vaccination registration and vaccination status checking that makes it easier for Jakarta residents.

What Is PCare and PeduliLindungi?

P-Care or Primary Care is a website application owned by BPJS Kesehatan or Health Social Security Agency which is used for data collection, registration, screening, target verification and recording of Covid-19 vaccinations. In addition, the process of the location selection, service schedule, allocation, and monitoring of vaccine logistics will also be monitored with the P-Care application. Meanwhile, PeduliLindungi is an application developed to assist relevant government agencies in tracking and stop the spread of Covid-19. This application also helps the tracing and tracking process of the Covid-19 vaccination program which is integrated with P-care to obtain vaccination data such as schedules, vaccination status, certificates and others.

PCare, PeduliLindungi (PL), and JAKI Integration

When you register through JAKI, the data that you input into JAKI will also be entered into the PCare system through Smart Checking. Smart Checking will check vaccination registrant data such as name, identity number (NIK), age, and community group (elderly, health workers, etc.). That data will also be integrated into PL. When you register, your status is a prospective vaccine recipient, if your data is valid then your status displayed in JAKI is “Siap Divaksinasi” or ready for vaccination.

This is where sometimes problems arise. If your data entered into PCare turns out to be invalid, then your status cannot be changed to “ready for vaccination” and you cannot download the vaccination control card. In addition, it is also possible

that when you have been vaccinated, your certificate does not appear. What makes your data invalid? This happens if the NIK and name you enter do not match the data in PCare. The data in PCare is data from the Central Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil). It could be that the registered name uses a title, while the data you input does not use a title, or other errors.

If your status does not change to “Siap Divaksinasi”, report it immediately to the Jakarta complaint channel, such as via email at If your certificate does not come out even though you have been vaccinated, submit a complaint via email at

If your data is valid and your status at JAKI has changed to “Siap Divaksinasi”, then you can immediately visit the vaccination center of your choice on the specified date .

After you are vaccinated, your data will be re-entered into the Pcare system so you can get a vaccination certificate and your status at JAKI will change to “Sudah Divaksinasi”.

Other Vaccination Obstacles

You also may encounter other obstacles when you want to register for vaccinations through JAKI, such as not being able to register because the quota is always full. For this, you need to know that the quota for vaccination through JAKI is updated once a week by the Jakarta’s Health Agency. When a new quota is added, many people flock to register and thus the quota can quickly be used up in a matter of minutes.

If you can’t register, try again periodically after you see the vaccination quota at

If you are already registered, make sure you arrive on schedule at the location you choose. It is highly recommended that you do not cancel the schedule you have chosen. Because the quota of your choice is the quota that many people have been waiting for. So, use it wisely!

Let’s Register for Vaccination Through JAKI

The advantage of registering for vaccinations through JAKI is that you can register anywhere and anytime. If you register directly by coming to your nearest health facility, you may not get a quota because it is full. However, by registering through JAKI you have secured your quota to be vaccinated. So, don’t hesitate. Download JAKI via Google Play Store and Apple App Store now and sign up for vaccinations!


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Siti Sarah S.

A content writer for Jakarta Smart City who loves engaging in meaningful works that makes a good impact for society even in a simple and subtle way. She is also a linguistics enthusiast and an avid reader who loves prose and poetry. Say hi to her on Twitter and IG: @sarafizaa or email to

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