Smartcitizen, did you know that President Joko Widodo has set a target for Jakarta to vaccinate 7.5 million people by the end of August 2021? This is done so that the nation capital could reach herd immunity much faster. At first, the target may feel too ambitious. However, thanks to the hard work of health workers, collaborators, and the enthusiasm of the residents, this target has been achieved by the end of July 2021, a month earlier. Data as of July 31, 2021 shows that Jakarta has hit 85.2% Covid-19 vaccination target or 7,507,340 recipients of dose 1 vaccine.
Nevertheless, the Jakarta Provincial Government is not getting complacent and continues to make various efforts to accelerate its vaccination progress throughout the capital. Data as of July 31, 2021 shows that Jakarta has reached 7,507,340 recipients of dose 1 vaccine.
Latest Vaccination Updates in Jakarta

On August 17, 2021, in addition to 9,151,228 total recipients of dose 1 vaccine, Jakarta has also reached 4,434,796 recipients of dose 2 vaccine. Bear in mind that this figure is not all residents with Jakarta ID cards, but also residents who live and work in Jakarta even though they do not have a Jakarta ID card. In fact, many other residents from cities around Jakarta were vaccinated in Jakarta because of the ease of registration and the large number of vaccination centers that were much easily accessible.

So, how many residents with DKI Jakarta ID cards have actually been vaccinated? Based on data from the website, the vaccination target for DKI Jakarta reaches 8,941,211 residents. Of the vaccination targets, 5,437,338 (60.81%) residents of DKI Jakarta have been vaccinated with dose 1. While 2,697,619 residents have been vaccinated against dose 2. Meanwhile, there are still 3,503,873 (39.19%) residents of DKI Jakarta who have not get a vaccine shot.
Smartcitizen, you can monitor these developments every day by accessing On the dashboard, you can see vaccination data that shows the number of people vaccinated with a Jakarta ID card and actually living in the kelurahan (urban village) area. The data source was obtained from the collaboration of Jakarta Smart City with Jakarta Health Agency, Jakarta Population and Civil Registration Office, and Jakarta Satu (
The Vaccination Map at can also display data on vaccination achievements per municipality and district to sub-district. As of August 17, 2021, West Jakarta has reached 1,257,892 (61.1%) recipients of dose 1 vaccine and 584,579 recipients of dose 2. Central Jakarta has reached 546,266 (60.33%) recipients of dose 1 and 272,488 recipients of dose 2. East Jakarta has reached 1,547,536 (59.94) recipients of dose 1 and 742.142 recipients of dose 2. South Jakarta has reached 1,170,400 (61.18%) recipients of dose 1 and 618,668 recipients of dose 2. North Jakarta has reached 896,616 (61.43%) recipients of dose 1 and 470,222 dose 2 recipients. Finally, Kepulauan Seribu Regency has reached 18,628 (83.54%) recipients of dose 1 and 9,520 recipients of dose 2.
The Result of Collaboration of Various Parties
These vaccination achievements are certainly not the result of the hard work of one party alone. In achieving the initial target of vaccination, there is the hard work of health workers who go to the field to vaccinate residents, there are various other officers who serve at vaccination locations, there are vaccine cars that travel to places where vaccination rates are still low, and various public servants in the area. Jakarta, who works day and night to make sure residents get vaccinated. In addition, many private collaborators have also collaborated and helped to open collaborative vaccination centers at various locations in Jakarta. No less important, all citizens who want to be vaccinated as soon as possible with the available vaccines are also certainly the key to this initial success. Although the initial target has been achieved, there are still 39.98% of residents who have not been vaccinated in Jakarta. Therefore, the work is not over yet and the huge effort must continue.
Have You Been Vaccinated?

If you are part of the residents who have been vaccinated in DKI Jakarta, then thank you for being part of the movement towards eradication of the Covid-19 pandemic. Because of you, the people closest to you are more protected and we are getting closer to herd immunity. Thanks to you too, now Jakarta can present the gift to the nation in the form of vaccination achievements that have exceeded the target ahead of the independence day of the Republic of Indonesia.
For those of you who have not vaccinated, please register yourself at the nearest vaccination location or at other vaccination centers. You can register easily from home with the JAKI application or you can go directly to the vaccination location closest to you by bringing your ID card. You can see the daily vaccination quota here. Then, for those of you who are waiting for your turn for dose 2 vaccination, you must re-register yourself through the JAKI application. For information regarding vaccinations in Jakarta, you can follow Jakarta Smart City social media on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Let's fight together to end Covid-19 pandemic!