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Vaccination Schedule and Location in Jakarta

Amira Sofa

04 August 2021

There's enthusiasm among Jakarta residents’ to participate in Covid-19 vaccination program. On August 1, 2021, 90.503 Jakartan got their first dose and 48.822 of them are already fully vaccinated with their second dose of Covid-19 vaccine. How about you? Do you meet the vaccination recipients’ criteria? If you do, let’s get your dose immediately!

To make it easier for people to find the schedule and location of vaccination in Jakarta, the team at Jakarta Smart City has summarized its data in this article. You can also check the vaccination schedule and location through the JAKI application and the Jakarta Covid-19 Response Team website.

[Check Covid-19 Vaccination Schedule in JAKI]

Where and When You Can Get Vaccinated in Jakarta

You can join the vaccination program in various vaccination locations, such as health facilities in the district, vaccination centre, or mobile vaccine cars. 

The following is a list of vaccination centres that serve vaccination registration through JAKI. These locations are the result of collaboration between the Jakarta Provincial Government and collaborators.



Regarding vaccine cars, with its nature of mobility, that means it will be regularly moving into different locations each day. But no need to worry because you can track its schedule and location via JakWarta feature in the JAKI application.

And there you have it, the schedules and locations of Covid-19 vaccination program in Jakarta. Hopefully, it can help you to get your vaccines as soon as possible. If you don’t want to miss the latest information regarding vaccination locations, you can access the JakWarta feature on JAKI, the Jakarta Covid-19 Response Team website, as well as the official social media accounts of Jakarta Smart City and the Jakarta Provincial Government. You can download JAKI through Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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