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Check Your Eligibility for Social Cash Transfer (BST) With JAKI

Siti Sarah S.

09 March 2021

Smartcitizen, you must have known that during the Covid-19 pandemic there was a social cash transfer fund from the government for residents in need. Previously, this social aid was provided in the form of basic necessities. But now, social aid is distributed in a form of cash which is called Bantuan Sosial Tunai (BST). BST is given to people affected by Covid-19 to meet basic needs.

For residents of DKI Jakarta, if you are registered, you will be eligible to receive BST from the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. This fund comes from the DKI Jakarta Regional Budget. For those of you who are registered as BST recipients, you will receive the fund that is distributed through a DKI Bank account in the amount of IDR 300,000/month. This distribution will be carried out for 4 months from January to April 2021. 

Who Is Eligible for BST? 

BST recipients are citizens registered as recipients of social basic food assistance in 2020 as a result of updating and matching data from the Disdukcapil or Jakarta Civil Registry Office. BST recipients do not include recipients of the Family Program Social Fund (PKH) and/or Non-Cash Food Fund (BPNT) 

BST Distribution Mechanism  

The following is the BST distribution mechanism for those of you who are registered:

  • The process of disbursement is gradual and rotating throughout the Jakarta administrative area starting in January 2021.

  • There are 160 distribution points in each administrative area & a maximum of 500 people per day at each point.

  • Receiving an invitation for a maximum of D-1 from the designated regional officer.

  • If you do not attend according to the first schedule, it will be rescheduled for the second invitation until the third invitation after the first stage distribution is completed in the 5 municipalities of Jakarta & Kepulauan Seribu.

How to Check BST Eligibility With JAKI

To make it easier for Jakartans to check whether or not they are BST recipients, you can use the JAKI application with a smartphone. Here's how: 

  1. Download JAKI on Google Play Store or Apple App Store and install it on your smartphone.

  2. Open JAKI

  3. In the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 section, select "Informasi Bantuan" 

  1. Enter your family card (KK) number in the search box. Then click  “Search”.


  1. Done

JAKI, Applications That Can Accompany You During Pandemic 

Smartcitizen, apart from checking BST information, you can get various other information on JAKI. In the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 section, you can test the risk of Covid-19 symptoms independently, check the development of the number of Covid-19 cases in Jakarta, see the availability of Covid-19 hospital beds, or detect the area status around you. Now, you know the various benefits of JAKI to accompany you every day during the pandemic. So, let’s download JAKI now! 

PSBB Social Aid

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Siti Sarah S.

A content writer for Jakarta Smart City who loves engaging in meaningful works that makes a good impact for society even in a simple and subtle way. She is also a linguistics enthusiast and an avid reader who loves prose and poetry. Say hi to her on Twitter and IG: @sarafizaa or email to

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