If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve gotten your first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination and are getting ready to get the second dose. For that, thank you! As our immune system is getting stronger, not only we're more protected to combat this pandemic, but also keeping those who are vulnerable safe. Since the Covid-19 vaccination program is rolling out in Jakarta, the Jakarta Provincial Government through the Jakarta Smart City has facilitated vaccination registration through JAKI and Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 website. Moreover, in order to reach as many people as possible in Jakarta, vaccinations are held at various spots such as health facilities, vaccination centers, and mobile vaccine cars.

Amidst this massive vaccination program, you may encounter rather inconvenient obstacles. For instance, the location for the second dose is way too far from where you live, or the schedule doesn’t meet your available schedule. Fret not! To tackle such issues, JAKI is now available to re-register for the second dose. You can decide the location and time for the second dose at your convenience!
[A Complete Guide to Covid-19 Vaccination in Jakarta]
AstraZeneca for Second Dose
The use of AstraZeneca isn’t as common as Sinovac in Indonesia. Given that, those who got AstraZeneca might be wondering about the availability of AstraZeneca for the second dose. However, don't worry, if you've been vaccinated with AstraZeneca, when you’re registering for second dose, you’ll only see the available health facilities that provide AstraZeneca.
Then, if someone wants to get their first dose, can they choose the health facility according to the type of vaccine they want? The answer is no. Choosing a certain health facility that provides AstraZeneca can only be done for second dose registration. So, if you haven’t been vaccinated at all and are looking for AstraZeneca only, you can’t choose a health facility that provides AstraZeneca.
How Do I Re-register for Second Dose?
The steps for the re-registration don't differ much from the first dose registration. However, be fully aware that you only have one chance to re-arrange your schedule. Before fixing on the location and time for your second dose, make sure all the information you provide is correct. Now, let’s register for the second dose:
Open JAKI and tap the “Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19” banner.

Enter your ID number and full name according to your ID card. Registrants aged 12-17 input their ID number as appear on their Family Card.
Scroll down until you find the “Daftar Ulang Vaksinasi Kedua” button.
Choose a vaccination time and location. Make sure your chosen schedule suits your free time and is around your domicile!
Complete your personal data information.
Fill in the pre-screening, then download and print the “Kartu Kendali Pelayanan Vaksinasi Covid-19” and “Kartu Vaksinasi Covid-19”.
Interval of Covid-19 of First Dose and Second Dose
The Ministry of Health through KMK No. HK.01.07-MENKES-4638-2021 has stated the minimum interval for the second dose of Covid-19 vaccination. To get the second dose, you must ensure that you’ve passed the minimum limit of 28 days from the first vaccination (for Sinovac vaccine) and 12 weeks for the AstraZeneca vaccine. Please pay extra attention to this before rescheduling your second dose.
In addition, if you’re infected with the Covid-19 after your first dose, you don’t have to re-take your first dose, and you’ll be eligible for the second dose three months after your test result is negative.
Best Time to Register for Second Dose
The vaccination quota that’s available in JAKI is open for the rest of the week. Before registering for the second dose, it’s best to check the available quota first at qrco.de/kuotavaksinjaki. If the schedule isn’t showing, make sure to check the selected date because you can't choose the date before your supposed second dose (this has to do with the interval between the first and second dose). For example, if you’re scheduled on August 1, 2021, then there’d be no available date for you to choose before August 1, 2021, even if the quota is still available.
The latest news regarding vaccination quotas at vaccination locations, such as health facilities, vaccination centers, and vaccine cars can also be monitored through JAKI on the JakWarta menu. The information is also provided with e-Posters that contain a list of health facilities across Jakarta and available vaccination centers along with daily quota, as well as the location of vaccination cars that are operating every day in Jakarta.
Getting Ready for Your Second Dose
Before leaving for the second dose, there are a few things you should pay attention to. First, bring the hard copy of the Kartu Kendali Pelayanan Vaksinasi Covid-19, Kartu Vaksinasi Covid-19, and your ID card. As for participants aged 12-17 years who don’t have an ID card yet, a Family Card will work.
Aside from preparing for the administrative matters, you need to keep carrying out the health protocols during the vaccination process. Use a double mask and keep the hand sanitizer ready. Check on your condition, and make sure you feel great before taking this step. Sleep well and get enough rest the day before leaving for the second dose.
[Vaccination Schedule and Location in Jakarta]
Once you get the fixed schedule for the second dose, don’t waste your time and get it immediately! To accelerate the program, inform and educate your closest ones to get their dose if they haven’t already. In addition, for a hassle-free vaccination registration, go register via JAKI that’s available on Play Store and App Store, or visit corona.jakarta.go.id to get the official and latest vaccination information from the Jakarta Provincial Government!