The fight against the pandemic is not over yet. We still have to fight against the Covid-19 virus so that its spread can be reduced. In addition to complying with health protocols and tracking Covid-19 cases, a very effective effort against the Covid-19 pandemic is by widespread vaccination.
As we already know, since the beginning of the year, the vaccination program in Jakarta has been taking place gradually. Now, vaccination in Jakarta is getting more expanded with more vaccine choices so that citizens are more protected. After the Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines, as well as Moderna vaccines that are present in Indonesia, now the Pfizer vaccine has also arrived.

What is the Pfizer Vaccine?
The Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccine produced by a German biotechnology company, BioNTech, with cooperation from an American pharmaceutical company, Pfizer.
Unlike Sinovac, which was developed from inactivated viruses, the mRNA (messenger RNA) platform works by “teaching” the body's cells how to make proteins to trigger an immune response in the body that will produce antibodies. These antibodies will protect the body from infection of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Even though it is based on genetic technology, you don't need to worry, because this vaccine will not affect human DNA in any way.
For the storage, Pfizer vaccines need to be stored using ultra low temperatures, which are below or minus 90 to minus 60 degrees Celsius. This vaccine is administered in 2 (two) doses with an interval of 21 days between two doses.
Safe and Effective
The Pfizer vaccine has been approved by WHO and has received a EUL (emergency use listing) since December 2020. In Indonesia, this vaccine has received an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). This vaccine has also passed the quality control process from BioFarma and BPOM before being used.
The efficacy of this vaccine is 95%. It is even effective against other variants of Covid-19. In a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Pfizer vaccine was effective against Alpha and Beta variants and prevented the severity of infection with Alpha and Beta variant viruses by up to 97.4 percent. Another study published by PHE (Public Health England) Publishing also showed that the Pfizer vaccine reduces the risk of being hospitalized for the Delta variant.
Regarding the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine, BPOM has conducted a joint study with the Expert Team of the National Committee of Covid-19 Vaccine Assessment and the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI). The assessment that refers to the internationally applicable vaccine quality evaluation guidelines shows that the Pfizer vaccine has met the standard requirements for vaccine quality.
Side effects
A number of clinical trials have shown that post-immunization adverse events (AEFI) caused by Pfizer include pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle aches, chills, joint pain, and fever. These reactions tend to be mild and common with other types of vaccine immunization in general.
The monitoring of Post-Immunization Adverse Events (KIPI) is carried out in accordance with the procedures in the Circular Letter of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Agency No. 48/SE/2021 concerning Anticipation of Post-Covid-19 Vaccination Events in DKI Jakarta Province. So you don't have to worry, Smartcitizen.
Other Countries Using Pfizer Vaccines
Other countries that have used Pfizer's vaccine and have succeeded, for example, are the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. The UK was the first country to receive the Pfizer vaccine, and so far Pfizer with other vaccines is still available in the UK. The number of people who have been vaccinated is high in both countries, so that public places are freely accessible to citizens. In the United Arab Emirates, the 7-day average Covid-19 cases have fallen from 3,755 which was a record high on January 30, 2021, to 1,324.57 on May 20, 2021.
Priority Group for Pfizer Vaccine Recipients in Jakarta
Currently, Pfizer vaccine in Jakarta is allocated to the general public aged 12 years and over who have never received the Covid-19 vaccine, either for doses 1 or 2. In addition, for vaccination in Jakarta, Pfizer vaccine will only be given to Indonesian citizens (WNI) with Jakarta ID cards or Indonesian citizens domiciled in Jakarta.
The priority groups that will be able to receive the Pfizer vaccine are pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with immunocompromised conditions such as autoimmune, severe comorbidities, chronic diseases, and other immunological disorders on the recommendation of a doctor as evidenced by a certificate from a doctor.
For those of you who do not have a DKI Jakarta ID card, but domiciled in DKI Jakarta, then you need a domicile letter issued at least by the local RT and the letter needs to be archived by the health facility that administered the vaccine.
How to Get the Pfizer Vaccine in Jakarta
The Pfizer vaccine is only available at certain health facilities. There are 16 health facilities in Jakarta that provide the Pfizer vaccine, which are:
1. Puskesmas Kecamatan Johar Baru, Central Jakarta
2. Puskesmas Kecamatan Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta
3. RSIA Family, North Jakarta
4. RSUD Tugu Koja, North Jakarta
5. RSPI Puri Indah, West Jakarta
6. RS Prikasih, South Jakarta
7. Puskesmas Kelurahan Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta
8. Puskesmas Kecamatan Cilandak, South Jakarta
9. RSUD Jati Padang, South Jakarta
10. Puskesmas Kelurahan Pancoran, South Jakarta
11. UPK Kemenkes Rasuna Said, South Jakarta
12. BPSDM Kemenkes Hang Jebat, South Jakarta
13. Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulogadung, East Jakarta
14. RSKD Duren Sawit, East Jakarta
15. RS Tk. IV Kesdam Cijantung, East Jakarta
16. RS Islam Pondok Kopi, East Jakarta
Let's get vaccinated, let's protect ourselves
With the massive distribution of vaccines in Jakarta with various types of vaccines available, it is time for us to move together to protect ourselves and those around us from Covid-19. With more and more people being vaccinated, herd immunity will also be achieved easily. Let's register yourself for vaccination now. To make it easier for you, the vaccination registration form in Jakarta is also just a touch of a finger away by using the JAKI application. Download JAKI at Google Play Store and Apple App Store.