Even though we’re still restricted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the desire to help each other has never stopped. To accommodate and distribute aid according to its allocation, the Jakarta Provincial Government as a facilitator collaborate with the community and create a Large-Scale Social Collaboration program (KSBB Jakarta). For now, there are six KSBB Jakarta programs: Large-scale Social Collaboration for Food (KSBB Pangan), Large-scale Social Collaboration for SMEs (KSBB UMKM), Large-Scale Social Collaboration for Education (KSBB Pendidikan), Large-Scale Social Collaboration For Villages Improvement (KSBB Pemukiman), Large-scale Social Collaboration for Waste Management (KSBB Persampahan), and Large-scale Social Collaboration for Workers (KSBB Tenaga Kerja) which is still in development phase. How do these programs help citizens in need? Let’s get to know them in detail!
KSBB Pangan

The KSBB Pangan program provides food aid from collaborators for citizens in need. The aid provides basic food which will be distributed in packages. One of the packages is a Rice ATM Aid Package. This rice aid will be distributed through the automatic rice box (Rice ATM) that is scattered in the Jakarta Area. With a distribution scheme of 3 kilograms rice per head of family (KK) per week worth IDR 30,000.
The aid packages provided consists of:
Ready-to-Serve Food Packages worth IDR 45,000 per person
Food Packages worth IDR 200,000 per head of family (KK) per week
Eid packages worth IDR 85,000 for once
THR packages worth IDR 50,000 per person or IDR 200,000 per head of family (KK) for once.
To be a KSBB Pangan collaborator, you can visit the KSBB Pangan official site.

The KSBB UMKM program targets its assistance to the actors that drive the capital's economy, namely the SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises). This is because SMEs are one of the sectors heavily affected during the pandemic. There are 3 alternative reference packages in the KSBB UMKM program:
Infrastructure Package
Consists of a Food SME package worth IDR 200.000 per SME, in the form of supporting facilities such as masks, face shields, aprons, etc. Then the Hawker Center Package worth IDR 5.000.000 per location, in the form of supporting infrastructure such as a portable sink, large trash can, disinfectant, and spray equipment, etc.
Capital Loan Package
In the form of cash as a capital loan, consisting of Package 1 worth IDR 5.000.000 per business, Package 2 worth IDR 7.500.000 per business, and Package 3 worth IDR 10.000.000 per business.
Training Package
In the form of hard skills and soft skills entrepreneurship training . Hard skill training such as Fashion/Creative Craft Training worth IDR 5.800.000 per 40 participants (including resource persons and teaching materials), or other hard skill training. Meanwhile, soft skills training such as entrepreneurial motivation, marketing strategies, financial management, and branding worth IDR 5.000.000 per 40 participants.
If you are an entrepreneur who needs help from KSBB UMKM, register your business to Jakpreneur through the Jakpreneur website. You can also become a KSBB UMKM collaborator by visiting KSBB UMKM official site.
[SMEs Large-scale Social Collaboration: Helping Small Businesses of Jakarta]
KSBB Pendidikan
During the pandemic, not all students have access to online learning. The KSBB Pendidikan program is here to help equal access to education in Jakarta. The assistance provided is in the form of a device to support learning for both students and teachers. There are several alternative reference packages in the KSBB Pendidikan program, namely:
Educational Device Package options:
Student Device Package options:
You can become a KSBB Pendidikan collaborator and help equalize access to education in Jakarta by visiting the KSBB Pendidikan official site.
KSBB Pemukiman

The KSBB Pemukiman Program helps fulfill the rights of citizens to get a decent and clean place to live, so they can create a healthier environment in Jakarta. Apart from that, KSBB Pemukiman also strives to ensure the certainty of settlements for citizens.
There are three types of packages available that can be donated, namely:
RW Arrangement Package Lengkap
The estimated value of this package is 200-500 million per RW and consists of:
RW Arrangement Package Bersama
This package provides certain infrastructure needed by each RW, so the estimated value of the package depends on the item chosen. The contents of this package are:
KSBB Persampahan

To create a clean and healthy environment in Jakarta, the Jakarta Provincial Government facilitates KSBB for waste management (KSBB Persampahan). If you want to be a collaborator, you can choose several alternative packages that can be donated:
RW Waste Management Package
This package is to help reduce waste in the RW (community unit) environment in Jakarta. There are several options for a package consisting of:
Composter barrel assistance package worth IDR 1,237,020 per 1 piece
A package of sorting trash cans worth IDR 2,750,000 per 1 set
Motorcart assistance package worth Rp 52,024,000 per 1 unit
RW waste management training package worth IDR 2.000.000 per 1 training package
Maggot Breeding Package
Maggot or Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae is an animal that can convert organic material into biomass, so maggot can help manage organic waste in Jakarta. There are several options for a package consisting of:
Maggot egg assistance package worth IDR 350,000 per 1 package (50 grams)
Maggot 8 DOL (Day-Old-Larvae) assistance package worth IDR 389,400 per 1 package (@ 6 kilograms)
Maggot house construction assistance package worth IDR 16,372,490 per 1 set
Maggot cultivation training assistance package worth IDR 2,000,000 per 1 training package
Used Oil Management Package
This package is to help manage used oil at the RW (community unit) level. There are several alternative packages for used oil management, which consist of:
Jerry can assistance package worth IDR 300,000 per 1 package (10 pieces)
Used oil carrier motorbike assistance package worth IDR 44,100,000 per 1 motorbike
Used oil carrier car worth IDR 153,250,000 per 1 car
The waste management training assistance package worth IDR 2,000,000 per 1 training package
Other Assistance Package
This is a package of waste management assistance that can’t be included in the four packages previously described. There are two alternative aid packages that can be donated:
Mask assistance package worth IDR 63,640 per 1 box
Gloves assistance package worth IDR 263,800 per 1 box
You can find out more information about KSBB Persampahan and become a collaborator through the KSBB Persampahan official website.
KSBB Tenaga Kerja
To meet the people's need for jobs, the Jakarta Provincial Government seeks to bring together job seekers and worker seekers through KSBB Tenaga Kerja. This collaboration program is still in the development phase so that it can provide benefits in job sectors.
[KSBB Permukiman: Help Fulfill Adequate Housing for Citizens]
Through the KSBB Jakarta program, it is hoped that every kindness from people will continue to help the citizens in need. You can get other information about KSBB Jakarta and become a collaborator through the corona.jakarta.go.id website on the Collaboration menu or KSBB menu in Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 feature on JAKI.