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Second PSBB: Tips for Choosing Problem Categories in JakLapor

Aditya Gagat Hanggara

27 September 2020

Smartcitizen, since September 14, Jakarta has returned to a period of large-scale social restrictions. This is the second PSBB since the Covid-19 pandemic first penetrated the Capital City. Of course, as we know, this policy was taken by the Jakarta Provincial Government in order to reduce the number of infections that had increased during the last Transition Period.

Through the implementation of the PSBB, the movement of the Jakarta people was again restricted to prevent transmission. People are urged to stay at home again if there is no urgent need. A number of regulations have been issued as guidelines for citizens and officials of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in maintaining discipline and collective order. The provincial government also invites active participation from all levels of society to report violations or problems that hinder efforts to control the Coronavirus outbreak.

In accommodating public reports, the Provincial Government has opened several complaint channels. One of them is the JakLapor feature embedded in the JAKI application. Through this feature, you can simply use your smartphone to take pictures and make a report or complaint in seconds. To improve the accuracy and speed of follow-up on PSBB violations, there are categories that you can include in making reports in JakLapor.

Fasilitas Kesehatan Milik Pusat/Swasta (Central/Private-Owned Health Facility)

As part of an effort to reduce the transmission rate of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Jakarta Provincial Government has implemented a Testing, Tracing, and Fencing strategy. Therefore, in order to maintain smooth operation at each of these stages, the government invites residents to report any obstacles related to the checking, tracking, or quarantine process. You can report complaints related to this through JakLapor by including the Central/Private Owned Health Facilities category.

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Gangguan Ketenteraman dan Ketertiban (Disturbance of Peace and Order)

During the implementation of the PSBB, there are a number of strict rules that must be obeyed by all levels of society. Such as wearing masks and the prohibition on crowding more than five people. Residents who are interacting outside the home are also required to maintain a physical distance of at least one meter. If you find violations such as these examples, then you can make a report in JakLapor by including the category of Disturbance of Peace and Order.


Hubungan Pekerja-Pengusaha (Employee-Employer Relations)

The office sector was still allowed to operate during the second PSBB period. For workplaces that are engaged in essential business, the number of people or workers active in the building must not exceed 50 percent of normal capacity. Meanwhile, for private/non-essential workplaces, the maximum number of people must be limited to 25 percent of normal capacity. As stated in Governor Regulation No. 79 of 2020, there are still other protocols that must be carried out by building leaders or managers. If you see a violation in your workplace, don't hesitate to report it through JakLapor under the category Employee-Employer Relations.

Perdagangan (Trading)

The spread of the Coronavirus outbreak in an area can have an impact on the price and availability of a number of basic commodities in the area. However, the Jakarta Provincial Government has anticipated this and guaranteed the availability of foodstuffs during the second PSBB. Not only that, based on Governor Regulation No. 88 of 2020, the government also requires business actors not to increase the price of goods in order to maintain economic stability and people's purchasing power. So, if you find a violation like this example, then just report it via JakLapor with the Trade category.

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Pelanggaran Perda/Pergub (Perda/Pergub Violation)

During the implementation of the PSBB, there were several workplaces or public facilities that had to restrict services or even closed to prevent crowds. Theaters, for example, are still not allowed to open or operate. Meanwhile, restaurants or restaurants are only allowed to serve takeaway and delivery services. This means that if you see a restaurant or cafe that operates as usual and provides food or drinks on the spot (dine-in), then the place to eat has violated the regulations set by the government. Violations like this can be reported through the Perda/Pergub Violation category.


In addition to reporting PSBB violations, you can also use JakLapor to submit questions or complaints that are still related to efforts to deal with Covid-19 in Jakarta, such as:

Bantuan Sosial (Social Aid)

As long as the PSBB is implemented, the Jakarta Provincial Government together with the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia remains committed to continuing the social assistance program which will be distributed to 2.4 million poor and vulnerable families affected by Covid-19 in the capital city. Currently, the PSBB Social Aid Program is in its seventh stage and has been running since 15 September 2020. If you have further questions or want to report obstacles related to the distribution of aid packages, you can convey them via JakLapor under the Social Aid category.

Perizinan Kesehatan (Health Licensing)

The Jakarta Provincial Government, through the One-Stop Investment and Integrated Service (DPM-PTSP), has provided licensing relief to support the availability of facilities and health workers during the Coronavirus outbreak response. This means every permit/non-permit document in the health sector whose validity period ends dated the Covid-19 Disaster Emergency Response period is declared to remain valid. Health facility managers will again be required to apply for a license extension after the emergency response period ends. For questions related to this matter, Smartcitizen can submit by including the Health Licensing category.

Ambuans Gawat Darurat (Emergency Ambulance)

Emergency Ambulance (AGD) is one of the vital tools in dealing with a pandemic. Jakarta Health Department has provided special ambulances to pick up and drop off positive patients with Covid-19. If you want to ask about the situation or report problems related to the availability of an ambulance in Jakarta, then you can choose the Emergency Ambulance category in your report.

Penyelamatan (Rescue)

Every citizen of Jakarta has the right to help, especially during this pandemic. If you know that there are family members, friends, or neighbors who need medical attention related to Covid-19, you can immediately report this on JakLapor by including the Rescue category. Even though we are being encouraged to stay at home, don't forget our empathy for others, Smartcitizen.

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Those are the categories that you can choose when making a report in the middle of the second PSBB period. Don't hesitate to use the JakLapor feature, because every complaint and question you send will help the government's efforts to fight the spread of this pandemic. Not only that, by reporting violations of health protocols, you will contribute to maintaining discipline and collective order.

Citizen Report

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Aditya Gagat Hanggara

Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

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