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Answering Frequently Asked Questions Regarding The CLM

Aditya Gagat Hanggara

01 August 2020

In order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic during the transitional period, the Government of Jakarta invited the public to participate in the Corona Likelihood Metric or CLM test. The application is supported by machine learning technology and can already be downloaded and used by Smartcitizen to check the risk of contracting a coronavirus. Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan hopes that if the CLM feature has been used by 80 percent of Jakarta's population, then the mitigation to control and handle the pandemic in the future can be done much better.

CLM is the result of a collaboration between the Jakarta government, Harvard CLM Team, and Klakklik.ID. The self-risk test application has been designed with the needs of Jakarta citizens in mind and prioritizes the ease of use with a simple appearance. Even so, questions still arose from some users who had difficulties or encountered technical problems while undergoing the CLM test. In this article, we will try to answer some of these questions.

Is CLM a Substitute for SIKM to Entering Jakarta?

For information, CLM is not limited to residents with Jakarta KTP only. Those who live or do activities in the capital with a non-Jakarta KTP card can now also use CLM to monitor their health conditions. This means that people who, for example, live in the area of ​​Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or even Bandung, can immediately find out whether they are at risk of contracting Covid-19 through the CLM test.

However, this fact has led to a misunderstanding that CLM is now a requirement for entering or exiting out of Jakarta and a replacement for SIKM that has ended. As explained earlier, CLM was created as an application that could be used by the public to report symptoms which can then be used to calculate the risk of Covid-19 infection.

CLM, once again, is not a requirement for someone to be able to travel to Jakarta.

If you still have questions about this matter, you are advised to contact the parties related to your trip to find out the official terms.

Can Children Participate in the CLM Test?

Education is one of the sectors affected by the outbreak of coronavirus in Indonesia. Teaching and learning activities that were previously carried out in schools now had to be transferred to their respective homes. In addition, parents also need to pay more attention to their children when playing outside. Especially with the tendency of some children who have difficulty following instructions to maintain their distance from other children or people.

Therefore, CLM does not apply an age limit so that children can also participate in the self-risk test. You might ask, what about the requirement of NIK number if the children don't have an ID card yet? No need to worry because you can fill in the field with the NIK number listed on the Family Card instead. That way, even in the midst of a pandemic, the health of children can also be monitored.

[JakCLM: Stay Healthy during Learn From Home]

What if I declared as Low /Medium/High Risk?

Unlike other applications or other symptom check tests that had first circulated in public, CLM can perform risk calculations through machine learning processing. This technology enables CLM to study three main types of data for indicators of assessment:

  • User demographic conditions (age and sex)

  • History of Covid-19 symptoms over the past 14 days (eg: fever, cough, shortness of breath)

  • Patient history (contacts, trips, visits to health facilities, health workers)

These assessment indicators are then used by CLM to provide test results in the form of three risk level categories: low, medium, and high. So, what should you do if you are included in one of these risk levels? Of course, CLM also includes steps that you can follow to stay healthy and safe. Also, you can find suggestions regarding trips outside the home.

If you are included in level 1, then you are considered a low risk for outside activities. So it would be better if you try to stay at home. While for those of you who are declared level 2, then you are at medium risk for outside activities. You are strongly encouraged to stay at home unless there is an urgent need. For level 3, you are declared to be at high risk for traveling outside and will be encouraged to take a PCR test. Not only that, those who are included in this category are also instructed to stay at home and isolate themselves for 14 days.

Whatever category you later listed at the end of the CLM test, don't forget to also practice the tree preventive measures: wear a mask, wash your hands, and maintain your distance!

How Long is the Validity of the CLM result?

With one NIK/ID number, you can only do the CLM test once a week. This seven day period is also the validity period of CLM test results. So, if it is still within the seven days, you can still use the exact same results without having to take a retest.

Besides mainly being intended as an application to measure a person's risk of Covid-19, CLM can also be used to monitor health conditions during this pandemic. So, if the validity of your CLM test results has expired, don't forget to test again and do it regularly.

What If the CLM Participant Is a Foreigner?

Jakarta is home to tens of thousands of foreign nationals who currently live non-permanently as expatriates. As we know, the coronavirus does not recognize racial or ethnic groups at all, which means CLM is developed in a way that it can also be used by a foreigner.

So, if you hold an overseas passport or know a colleague who is a foreign national, select the "No" option in the question "Do you Live in Jakarta?". After that, use the passport number and fill in the box provided.

If you still want to know more about how to use the CLM application, you can visit the CLM menu on the website. As for starting the Covid-19 risk test, you can access the JakCLM feature inside the JAKI application, which can now be downloaded on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Citizens of Jakarta
Corona Likelihood Metric

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Aditya Gagat Hanggara

Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

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