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How to Obtain Entrance-Exit Permit in the Jakarta Area?

Mike Nafizahni

10 May 2021

The enforcement of micro-scale public activity restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta is still ongoing until 17 May 2021. This policy is to make sure that the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic remains under control. As Eid Al-Fitr approaches, these mitigation efforts are getting tighter. The Covid-19 Handling Task Force through the Addendum of Circular Letter from Head of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force No. 13 of 2021, has imposed the Eid homecoming “mudik” ban from 6 May to 17 May, 2021, to limit people mobility during Eid holiday. This mobility restriction is also supported by the enactment of the Exit-Entrance Permit (SIKM) in accordance with the Governor’s Decree No. 569 of 2021 concerning the Procedure for Providing SIKM.

The regulation is exempted for logistical distribution service vehicles and citizens with urgent non-homecoming needs, including: official travel, a sick family member visits, a dead family member visits, an urgent childbirth, and other urgency by obtaining the SIKM, both for entering or leaving the Jakarta area. Then, how to obtain the SIKM Jakarta? Come on see the procedure below.

Visit the JAKEVO Website

JAKEVO is the Jakarta Provincial Government's website to obtain various permits, such as SIKM in Jakarta. You can visit the website via Then, log in or register if you don't have an account yet.

Click to Apply SIKM

If you already have a JAKEVO account, you can immediately apply for SIKM by selecting the dashboard menu. After that, select SIKM on your right side of the screen.

Select the Type of Permit

To continue the process, select the type of SIKM, then click apply. There are four types of SIKM in JAKEVO, namely a sick family member visits, a dead family member visits, an urgent childbirth, and an urgent childbirth companion. The applicant will be asked to choose one of them, before going to the next phase.

Fill in the Application Form

To continue the process, you need to fill in the application form such as name, date of birth, phone number, address, etc. Fill in the application form completely and correctly.

Upload All Required Documents

After fill in the application form, upload all the required documents such as:

  • Passport Photo;

  • Scan of the ID card number;

  • Letter of statement (for the SIKM type of a sick family member visits, a dead family member visits, an urgent childbirth, and an urgent childbirth companion;

  • Stamped letter of statement from the applicant (for the SIKM type of a sick family member visits, a dead family member visits, an urgent childbirth, and an urgent childbirth companion.

Make sure the uploaded data is correct before pressing the 'Submit Form' button.

Wait For the Validation Result

If you have submitted your application form, the next step is to wait for the validation result. The validation process will be done by the One-Stop Integrated Services (PTSP) officer and the head of the sub-district (lurah) where you live.

Print the SIKM

During the validation process, you can check the progress periodically on the JAKEVO website. After the validation process is complete, you will get an email notification whether your SIKM application is approved or rejected. If it’s approved, then you can download your SIKM and print it.

Show the SIKM to the Officer

On your departure time, show the printed SIKM along with your ID card number and the Covid-19 free certificate to the officer. If the documents provided are correct, you will be allowed to continue your trip. But if it doesn't comply with the provisions, then you need to make a U-turn.

The entrance-exit permit (SIKM) is an effort made by the Jakarta Provincial Government to prevent a new wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Jakarta. So, if you plan to go out of town, make sure it's only for urgent needs and you already have a SIKM. Get information about the SIKM policy through the JAKI application which you can download via Google Play Store or App Store. If you have questions or encounter any problem concerning SIKM, please contact the One-Stop Integrated Services (PTSP) call centre at 1500164 or (021) 1500164 for non-Telkomsel card users.

Citizens of Jakarta
Public Service

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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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