Who said that the Covid-19 vaccination certificate could be a passport to travel anywhere? Just got the first dose and the second dose of vaccine, then immediately went to a public place. Interacting with many people, ignoring health protocols, and thinking as if they were 100% immune to Covid-19. If people you know do these things, maybe you should ask them to read this article.

The journey of the Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia is quite unique. At the beginning, the Covid-19 vaccine was greeted with doubt and fear, and there was even a movement that refused to be vaccinated. However, when the vaccination program was underway, there were some people who made the vaccinated status as an excuse to ignore health protocols as if the pandemic was over. In fact, there are no claims that people who have been vaccinated will be completely immune to Covid-19. Then, what should we do? According to the various official sources, here are the things we need to pay attention to after being vaccinated.
Keep Wearing a Mask

If we’ve been fully vaccinated, we still need to wear a mask. Especially, if we are in a public place with other people. Because vaccine doesn't make us 100% immune to Covid-19. However, it will reduce the impact if we are infected with Covid-19. For that, after being vaccinated, we still have to do the 3M (wearing a mask, washing hand, and maintaining distance) so that our bodies are optimally protected from Covid-19.
Not Gathering With Friends

For now, not everyone can be vaccinated or get a vaccination schedule. Keep in mind that gatherings have a high risk of Covid-19 transmission. The CDC also has explained several factors that affect the risk level of the Covid-19 transmission at gatherings which need to be our concern. So as much as possible we still have to avoid gatherings, whether with friends or family, especially on a large scale. At this time, the government is still implementing the enforcement of micro-scale public activity restrictions (PPKM) from May 4 to May 17, 2021. So the gathering is still limited and we still have to keep our distance to prevent the Covid-19 transmission.
Traveling After Vaccinated

Soon, we will celebrate Eid, and Eid is the right moment for us to visit family and friends. But unfortunately, the government has banned “mudik” or visiting the hometown during Eid through the Letter of the Head of the Task Force Number 13 of 2021, as an effort to prevent a spike in Covid-19 cases after Eid. Therefore, even though we’ve been vaccinated, we still have to follow the applicable regulations. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, after being vaccinated, we still have to apply health protocols if we want to travel for important purposes. Keep obeying the health protocols during the trip, to protect our body from Covid-19.
Beware of Covid-19 Symptoms
Even though we've been vaccinated, we can still get Covid-19. For this reason, the CDC advises us to remain vigilant about the symptoms that arise due to Covid-19. Moreover, if we have had direct contact with people affected by Covid-19. If we get the Covid-19 symptoms after being vaccinated, then we need to do tests and self isolation as soon as possible to avoid direct contact with people around us.

WHO has explained that after getting vaccinated, our body still needs about two weeks to form antibodies. During this period, we are still very vulnerable to Covid-19. However, even though we’ve been fully vaccinated and have antibodies, the risk of contracting Covid-19 can still occur. One thing we need to understand, vaccines do protect, but with 3M (wearing a mask, washing hand, and keeping distance), it will be able to save us from Covid-19. So stick to health protocols wherever we are. Don't forget to download the JAKI application via Google Play Store or App Store, to check the vaccination schedule and get the latest information about Covid-19 in Jakarta.