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The Guideline To Preventing Covid-19 Cases in Office

Syora Alya Eka Putri

05 May 2021

Recently, the number of Covid-19 cases in office clusters has increased in Jakarta. Offices with confirmed cases of Covid-19 or fail to obey the health protocols will face the risk of temporary closure. To reduce the cases, several steps can be taken as prevention of Covid-19 at the office or other workplace.

Make Sure The Workplace Stay Clean and Hygiene

During office activities, in general there is interaction between employees. To minimize the cases of Covid-19, work areas can be cleaned by spraying disinfectants, and other objects such as tables, chairs, computers, and telephones can also be cleaned with rags and disinfectants. Because the working room is generally air-conditioned, it is recommended to clean the air filter regularly to keep the indoor air quality clean.

Give Your Employee a Sick-Leave Permission

Next step to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 cases is to encourage employees who are not in good condition, such as having influenza or post-vaccination symptoms, to work from home. The employee can inform the supervisor and ask for permission or apply for sick leave if the physical condition is not possible to work in the office. The business owner can utilize flexible work systems and interact through digital platforms as strategies to keep the work done.

Promoting Health Protocol at the Office

Another thing to be concerned about is to implement strict health protocols such as keeping distances, wearing masks, and washing hands. It is recommended to do a temperature check and promote the use of masks before entering the office. While in the office, everyone has to use a mask, especially if it is challenging to maintain a distance. Next, everyone has to regularly wash their hands with soap and hand sanitizer.

Furthermore, maintaining distance of at least 1 meter from other coworkers is a must. If employees use public transportation to go to the office, it is advisable not to go during peak hours and wash their hands immediately after they get off from public transportation. The office also needs to be supported by some extra facilities, such as health facilities close to the office, extra sink to wash hands, and some posters to promote health protocols.

For Employees That Just Had Traveling, Do Self-Quarantine

The next step of preventing Covid-19 cases in office clusters is by recommending a self-quarantine at home or in health services for 14 days to employees who just travel outside the city or abroad. Furthermore, the office manager is advised not to give permission to employees who have a high health risk to travel .

Those are some ways of preventing Covid-19 cases in office clusters. These measures require cooperation between employees and organizations (offices) to prevent and control the number of Covid-19. This can be achieved by implementing policies for work-related coordination and providing health facilities, support, and promoting strict health protocols. If you find a violation related to PPKM in the office, report it through JakLapor at JAKI, which you can download from Google Play Store or App Store.


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Syora Alya Eka Putri

Seorang content writer di Jakarta Smart City yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Kebijakan Pembangunan Sosial di Universitas Indonesia.

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