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How You Can Still Take Care of the Environment Amidst the Pandemic

Nadhif Seto Sanubari

07 July 2020

You may have heard the news from all over about how nature’s condition has improved and how air pollution has lessened globally since the Covid-19 pandemic started, human activity abruptly halted, and everyone is cooped up in their own homes to social distance. With this fact, we can no longer deny that human activity is a major factor in the destruction of the environment. In times like these, perhaps we can look at ourselves and reflect. What things have we done that we think of as a daily routine which in truth negatively impacts our surroundings?

Even so, this shouldn’t discourage us. Though people are the root of the problem, people are also the start of the solution. According to a study published by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), a reduction in human intervention in nature can even prevent future pandemics. This study talks about large acts such as reducing deforestation and expansive farming to mitigate human contact with wild animals that may carry deadly viruses, but actions that seem small would work just as well in helping the environment if applied by many people. The following are several things you can do to help from the comfort of your own home or while doing activities during the PSBB Transition Period. 

Masks and Hand Sanitizers, Essential Equipments for the Transition Period

Obviously, you should wear a mask and carry hand sanitizers while doing activities outside the home at this time. Covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough as well as washing your hands regularly is paramount in keeping you and others healthy. But what kind of masks and hand sanitizer you use are just as important if you’re looking out for the environment.

Surgical masks are not advised, not only because they should be prioritized for medical workers, but also because they are one-use and add to the amount of trash. Instead, use cloth masks that are just as safe and can be washed and reused. Same thing with hand sanitizers. The small plastic bottles add to plastic waste when you throw them away. So buy bigger bottles or get the refill models.

Cut Down on Plastic

As of 1 July 2020, the new governor's regulation state that the use of plastic bags will be prohibited in Jakarta. Shopping centers, grocery stores, markets, merchants, and customers alike are encouraged to replace plastic bags with environmentally-friendly reusable shopping bags made from cloth. According to Governor Anies Baswedan, this rule was enacted to reduce Jakarta’s ecological footprint.

You too can help with reducing plastic usage in your own home or when doing your daily rounds. Other than using reusable bags, you could also stop buying plastic bottled water and instead use drinking bottles that you can fill up multiple times a day. This anti-plastic bottle movement also applies to other products. When grocery shopping, start picking products with cardboard or paper packaging, and avoid plastic packaging. Instead of using bottled liquid soap, go for the bar soap. Replace plastic straws with reusable metal or glass straws. There are many more ways you can diminish plastic waste that you can search for and read about online.

Make a Habit Out of Cycling and Walking

For those of you who have been busy traveling during the PSBB Transition Period, either for work obligations or shopping, you can try to avoid driving everywhere and make a habit out of cycling or walking. These two activities can be easily integrated into your daily routine and are beneficial even if you only do it for 30 minutes a day.

Walking and cycling can help maintain both your physical and mental health, improve your immunity, as well as reduce your weight. Not only are they beneficial to your own health, but the environment’s health too. Bicycles do not use fossil fuels and produce gas emissions that form air pollution.

In Jakarta, several rules have been put in place by the Department of Transportation to prioritize cyclists and pedestrians. During the transition period, the usage of bike lanes and sidewalks will be increased, and businesses are required to provide bicycle parking as well as showers for cyclists. With all the facilities now provided, this is perhaps the best time to start cycling and walking as a primary means of travel.

Always Remember to Disconnect and Unplug

Did you know that electronic devices such as your computer or television still use power even when they are off? The use of electronic devices creates carbon emissions that are harmful to the environment. You can reduce this impact simply by reminding yourself to unplug your cables when they are not in use.

Reducing the use of electricity, in general, is also very helpful. If you have the option to either use a laptop or a computer, choose the laptop. The electricity used by a laptop is much lower than a computer, this is because laptops can function on battery power most of the time while computers always have to be connected to a power source.

Do you study or work from home and spend much of your free time streaming Youtube videos or movies for hours? Why not unplug and try a different alternative such as reading? If you have that one thick book that you have been fixing to read but never got the chance to because you’re usually too busy, take this time to start. Other than expanding your horizons, reading could also reduce electricity usage in your home.

Simple Ways You Can Save Water

Since we spend most of our time at home nowadays, of course, our water usage will be higher than usual. Therefore, we should pay more attention to how much water we use daily. Too much water usage can create pollution in the rivers and seas, as well as increase the greenhouse gas emissions related to water management and distribution.

There are many simple methods you can perform to save water such as turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or washing your hands with soap, and taking shorter showers. A four-minute shower alone uses up 20 to 40 gallons of water. It would be a good idea to use a timer to limit your shower session.

If your home has a water heating system, you probably tend to wait a few minutes while the shower or faucet runs until the water gets warmer. While you wait, you can put a bucket or bowl under the running water so as not to let it go to waste. The water you saved can now be used for other things such as washing vegetables, watering plants, or washing cars. Especially for car washing, it is better to use a bucket of soap water instead of using a constantly running hose.

There are many things you can do to take care of our environment. Even though in the face of a global pandemic, it doesn’t mean that we simply stop caring. By performing the tips mentioned above, Jakarta will stay clean and healthy and so will its citizens. We depend on the environment as much as it depends on us, so let’s help create a better world and a better future.


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Nadhif Seto Sanubari

Penulis dan penerjemah alumni Universitas Bina Nusantara, dengan pengalaman internasional di University of Bradford, UK dan Deakin University, Australia.

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