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Ngobrol Jakarta # 17: A Helping Hand Platform Called KSBB

Nana Nurwaesari

26 May 2020

Right on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, Ngobrol Jakarta #17 returned to the online platform to have a relaxed discussion with the citizens of DKI Jakarta in discussing "Collaboration to Address the Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19". Of course, the topic of discussion this time is no less interesting than the previous Ngobrol Jakarta. Moreover, we discussed the new platform owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government on the website, namely Large-scale Social Collaboration (KSBB).

In this Ngobrol Jakarta #17, we have special guest speakers who are directly involved in handling the social-economic impact of COVID-19, namely, Dr. Sri Haryati, S. Pi, M.Si as the Economic and Financial Assistant of the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province and one of the aggregators of social collaborators in Jakarta namely, Doni Marlan as Director of Dompet Dhuafa Resource Mobilization.

A Real Manifestation of Social Collaboration in Jakarta

The discussion began with a presentation from Dr. Sri Haryati how Jakarta is trying to get to town 4.0. In the form of city 2.0, the government only has a role to serve the community fully. Whereas the form of city 3.0, residents play a role as participants and the government as a facilitator.

This is different from the concept of city 4.0, where the government and the community play a role as collaborators, so that the collaboration between the two parties can be established strongly. This is the concept of the city that is expected by DKI Jakarta. To accelerate development and progress, we can no longer only hope in the government. Thus, all forms of participation and collaboration from the community to help the government are needed.

By upholding the value of collaboration, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government launched the Large-Scale Social Collaboration platform (KSBB) as a tangible manifestation of social collaboration in this city. The principle of the KSBB is from society to society. So, the community can work together to send assistance to other vulnerable communities affected by COVID-19 with an end-to-end process. Social collaboration from the community is something that needs to be built together. Especially in the middle of a pandemic period like this.

"It's time for us to give back to Jakarta, which has been giving us many things," said Dr. Sri Haryati

Besides that, Dr. Sri Haryati said that the poverty rate in DKI Jakarta was the lowest in Indonesia. In fact, with the presence of this pandemic, the amount of poverty in Jakarta is increasingly vulnerable, because not all citizens have savings to survive. Dr. Sri Haryati also added that the number of vulnerable people in DKI Jakarta had reached 2.4 million. So, one of the efforts that we can do together is hand in hand to help the people of DKI Jakarta who are in need.

"Do not let social restrictions even make us more distant from each other. We need to approach each other with heart. The KSBB was built with the concept of community for society, that is, by connecting and helping each other "Dr. Sri Haryati.

KSBB Facilitates the Distribution of Social Aid

The discussion then continued with the second guest speaker, Doni Marlan, Director of Dompet Dhuafa Resource Mobilization. Doni, who indeed involves directly to the field, tells how many people are in a difficult condition to get staple food, masks, and other health equipment. This is because many people are hoarding basic foodstuffs and masks so that goods become scarce and expensive for the lower middle class. Mr. Doni feels that the presence of the KSBB has helped many aggregators. Especially when collaborators channel aid through aggregators such as Dompet Dhuafa. Previously, there were some recipient areas that were difficult to access by Dompet Dhuafa. But since there is a KSBB program, Dompet Dhuafa has been able to reach those are.

"This is the era of collaboration. Of course, this is not an easy condition for all of us. But if we go through it together, then the collaboration that we do in this KSBB will definitely be very helpful in handling COVID-19 "- Doni Marlan.

At the end of the session, all participants opened their video cameras and took a picture together with the two speakers and moderator, Nadia Atmaji from CoHive to capture this moment of discussion.

Smartcitizen, this is the time to act in #bantusesama the community and the city of Jakarta. Let's start with the initiative and invite other collaborators to participate in the KSBB program. Because of me, you, and all of us, can bring goodness to the other people of Jakarta.

About Ngobrol Jakarta

Ngobrol Jakarta is a discussion activity that is held once a month with themes related to issues in DKI Jakarta. This discussion activity was carried out at JSCHive by CoHive in collaboration with Jakarta Smart City (JSC). Ngobrol Jakarta is an interesting discussion activity because it always involves various speakers from Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), startups, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and other community groups. Ngobrol Jakarta is an informative discussion room for discussing various problems in Jakarta and trying to find a solution


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Nana Nurwaesari

Nana Nurwaesari adalah content writer Jakarta Smart City yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Ilmu Politik di Universitas Nasional dengan fokus Ekonomi Politik. Ia dapat ditemui di Instagram @waesarinana.

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