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Differences Between Vaccination Certificate and Safe Entrance System

Amira Sofa

25 August 2021

Smartcitizen, as you might have known, there are new requirements for residents who work at or visit Jakarta’s public places. Those requirements are to check in with Safe Entrance by PeduliLindungi system and vaccination certificates. Alternatively, you can replace the vaccine certificate with a digital vaccination status. This requirement is determined based on the observation that vaccines are able to reduce the risk of severity and death from Covid-19 while still tracing the visitors.

What is the difference between the Safe Entrance system, digital vaccination status, and vaccination certificate? Let’s read the explanation below.

What Is a Safe Entrance System, Digital Vaccination Status, and Vaccination Certificate?

The Safe Entrance system in public places originates from the collaboration between the Jakarta Provincial Government and PeduliLindungi. You can use the Safe Entrance feature through the PeduliLindungi or JAKI applications. When you click the feature in JAKI, you will be instructed to fill in your name and ID Card number and then scan the QR code. In this feature, you can also see the number of visitors and the total capacity that is allowed. With this feature, it will be easier to monitor the number of visitors and track the movement of people coming in and out of the public spaces.

Safe Entrance System in JAKI

While the Safe Entrance system determines whether a person is allowed to enter the public space or not, the digital vaccination status in JAKI is a documentation of a person’s vaccination status whose data is integrated with PeduliLindungi. PeduliLindungi itself is a mobile apps and website-based platform regarding Covid-19 that provides centralized data and services. On the digital vaccination status, it can be seen whether you have not been vaccinated, have had the first shot, or have received 2 doses of Covid-19 vaccine. You can access the digital vaccination service through the JAKI application on the “Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19” banner.

Digital Vaccination Status in JAKI

What about vaccination certificates? In essence, vaccination certificates and digital vaccination status have similar functions, which is as the proof that you have been vaccinated in order to enter a public place. However, it is different from the digital vaccination status which is a documentation of a person’s vaccination status. A vaccination certificate is an official certificate issued by the Ministry of Health as proof a person has been vaccinated. The vaccination certificate is issued by PeduliLindungi and you can download it through the PeduliLindungi application or website. However, if you encounter problems when downloading the certificate, you can just show the digital vaccination status at JAKI to officers in the public spaces.

Vaccination Certificate

Safe Entrance and Show Digital Vaccination Status with JAKI

You can access the Safe Entrance system as well as vaccination certificates in the PeduliLindungi application. However, JAKI also offers an alternative for those of you who want to visit public places and show proof of vaccination more safely. As you might notice, vaccination certificates contain personal data, such as ID Card number and date of birth. By showing digital vaccination status at JAKI, you can avoid the possibility of data leak or misuse. You also don’t need to download the proof of vaccine, because all you need is just to log in and go to the Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19 feature in the JAKI application to see the status of your vaccination.

Regardless of the platform that you use, checking in and checking out when going in and out of public spaces with the Safe Entrance feature as well as showing proof of having been vaccinated is important. If you choose to use JAKI, you can download the application through Google Play Store or Apple App Store. And while doing any activities, always remember to stay vigilant and keep obeying health protocols!

Citizens of Jakarta
Jakarta Covid-19 Response

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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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