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Frequently Asked Questions on Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine

Teresa Simorangkir

05 August 2021

A lot of us are gearing ourselves up for the Covid-19 second dose vaccination. However, it’s inevitable that we stumbled across obstacles along the way. Therefore, in the hope of providing you clear instructions on the second dose procedures, we’ve compiled frequently asked questions on Covid-19 second dose.

Is it mandatory to get the second dose?

The second dose is needed so that our bodies get more antibodies to fight the virus and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine in our body. The first dose is intended to trigger the initial immune response and the second dose is to amplify the preconceived immune response. In the first 14-28 days, the effectiveness of any vaccine is around 60%, and after the second dose, the vaccine will offer more protection to at least 90%.

Furthermore, according to Oluwatosin Goje, MD of the Cleveland Clinic, not everyone has the same level of immunity after the first dose. Therefore, in order to get the best immunity, everyone should get a second dose. Dr. Goje also stated that if we only rely on the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, we won’t be able to achieve herd immunity. Herd immunity will only be achieved if the majority of people in an area get two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

[Reasons Why You Should Take Your Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine]

I got infected with Covid-19 after the first dose of vaccination. Can I still register for the second dose?

Of course. According to the Ministry of Health, Covid-19 survivors can still be given a second dose three months after the recovery. Please reschedule for your second dose via JAKI.

Why hasn’t my vaccination status changed at PeduliLindungi and JAKI?

If your vaccination status hasn’t changed a week after the vaccination day, you can send an email to with the format:

- full name;

- Identity Number (NIK);

- place and date of birth;

- phone number;

- details of the problem;

- photo of your vaccine card and a selfie photo with your ID card

I’ve got my first dose and I’ve received the vaccine certificate from PeduliLindungi. However, my status at JAKI is still “Ready to be vaccinated”. What to do?

Please send a report to along with a photo or a scan of your ID card for further coordination by PeduliLindungi. Your data need to be in sync to register for the second dose.

Why is the dose 2 vaccination schedule always full or not yet available?

The vaccination quota that’s available in JAKI is open for the rest of the week. Before registering for the second dose, it’s best  to check the available quota first at If the schedule isn’t showing, make sure to check the selected date because you can't choose the date before your supposed second dose (this has to do with the interval between the first and second dose). For example, if you’re scheduled on August 1, 2021, then there’d be no available date for you to choose before August 1, 2021, even if the quota is still available.

If I didn’t register for the first dose via JAKI, can I register for the second dose through JAKI?

Sure thing! You can click on the ‘Daftar Vaksinasi’ banner on JAKI homepage. Please fill in the required information such as your Identity Number (NIK) and full name, then follow the registration steps. On your vaccination day, don't forget to bring:

  1. original ID card or a copy of Family Card (for registrants aged 12-17);

  2. hard copy of Kartu Vaksinasi Covid-19 dan Kartu Kendali Pelayanan Vaksinasi Covid-19; and

  3. pen.

Can I be vaccinated with dose 2 using the AstraZeneca vaccine?

According to WHO, based on research conducted so far, Covid-19 vaccines aren’t interchangeable. That means, if your first dose is Sinovac or AstraZeneca, then, for the second dose you should get the same product. Both of these vaccines are available and you can register yourself through JAKI. To make sure, you can confirm to the vaccinator about the type of vaccine you’ll be given during vaccination day.

May I come to the location of my scheduled second dose without re-registering?

No. You need to re-register yourself via JAKI before getting your second dose.

When registering for my second dose, can I choose a location that’s different as stated in PeduliLindungi?

Yes, you can! You can re-register for the second dose through JAKI if you find problems such as location isn’t showing or location that’s too far from your domicile. You can choose the schedule and location for the second dose according to your preferences.

The date of my first dose doesn’t match the date stated in the certificate. What to do?

If you encounter such problem, please send an email to with the following format:

- full name;

- Identity Number (NIK);

- place and date of birth;

- mobile phone number;

- details of the problem;

- a photo of your vaccine card and a selfie with your ID card

You can register for your second dose by following the schedule determined by PeduliLindungi. Please ensure that you’ve passed the minimum limit of 28 days from the first vaccination (for Sinovac vaccine) and 12 weeks for the AstraZeneca vaccine.

I've been scheduled for my second dose. Do I still have to re-register through JAKI?

Yup. You need to re-register yourself via JAKI before getting your second dose.

Covid-19 vaccine is important because it protects the immune system to prevent us from the severe effects caused by Covid-19. By following a complete vaccination program, we can reduce the possibility of being hospitalized and decrease the bed occupancy rate. For an easy registration, just register yourself via JAKI that you can download on Play Store and App Store. After being vaccinated, stick to the health protocols because you definitely don’t want to get infected with the disease, right? All in all, let’s do our best together!

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Teresa Simorangkir

A writer and a lifelong learner.

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