Entering the second stage of the vaccination process, especially the second dose for astrazeneca vaccine, Smarticitizen is certainly looking for information on the availability of vaccination quotas provided by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta. Therefore, information on the availability of vaccination quotas can be viewed through the vaccination quota dashboard on the corona.jakarta.go.id.
Information in Dashboard
On the JAKI vaccination quota dashboard you can see detailed information or data on each health facility that provides vaccines, vaccination quotas per region in Jakarta, and trends of JAKI applicants. Let's explore it one by one. First is the health facilities data. The information available in this section includes the name of the vaccination site, vaccination date availability, type of health facility, region, sub-district, and village where it is located.

Detailed Health Facilities Data Section
These options can be filtered according to our needs during the search. Then, later the result of your modified filter can be seen in the table below it, which is listed information about the vaccination site location, vaccination date and time, the closing hour, total quota, remaining quota, regions, subdistricts, villages.
Check Availability of JAKI Vaccination Quota
Before registering for vaccination through the JAKI app, you can first check the vaccination location of your choice.
Select the section you want to find out more details about, such as clicking the Vaccination Location option.

Then, there are several vaccination locations in Jakarta, then you just click on the location you want by clicking just to show the location. Like the view below.

After that, you will see the vaccination location, vaccination date, and quota amount. Like the following view.

Well, with the filtered information, this way can make it easier for you to know the location you want to go to and vaccination quota before registering for vaccination dose 2 through JAKI.
See Vaccination Quota Trends
In the vaccination quota dashboard, you can also see the trends of vaccination quotas per region in Jakarta in detail. For example, in the information below, you will see the number of vaccination locations and the number of vaccination quotas in each region in Jakarta. From this dashboard you will find out how many vaccination locations and its vaccine quota in your region. You can also adjust the displayed data by using filters in the detail section of the health facilities data.

Vaccination Quota Section
In addition, you can also see the number of vaccination registrants through JAKI. There are two types of information that you can see. First is for the highest number of vaccination registrants in JAKI and its trends. For example, in the following chart, you will see that Smesco-HIPPINDO being the most popular choice for vaccination registrants from JAKI.

Next, you can also see the total number of vaccine registrants with JAKI and the total vaccination quota by date, as shown below.

The vaccination quota dashboard is very helpful if you want to register for vaccination through JAKI. It's also easier because there's a feature to filter by location, date, and region, Don't forget to register for a second dose of vaccination through the JAKI app, get it on the Google Play Store and App Store.