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PPKM: Covid-19 Restrictions During Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr Holiday

Tiffany Aisyah Septiana

03 May 2021

Amid pandemic, we don't feel like we are already halfway into this year’s Ramadan. As we know, during Ramadan this year, we still have to live under the shadow of Covid-19 pandemic. Even with the difficulties, we can still observe this year’s Ramadan with the same enthusiasm as in previous years. Entering the third week of this month of Ramadan, the enforcement of micro-scale public activity restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta is still being extended. Of course that was done to keep the number of Covid-19 transmission in Jakarta in low numbers.

Do you already know the latest PPKM rules that you must pay attention to during Ramadan? This regulation is based on Governor Decree No. 478 /2021. Other than to keep us being vigilant, this regulation also makes you more comfortable fasting during Ramadan in the midst of this pandemic.

[Tips for Safe and Healthy Fasting During a Pandemic]

Restaurant / Dining Operational Hours Regulations

During the month of Ramadan, there is a slight leeway in the rules for active hours for food stalls, restaurants, café and street vendors. Previously it was only allowed until 21.00 WIB, during this month of Ramadan, they are allowed to open until 22.30 WIB. Furthermore, they are allowed to open again from 02.00 to 04.00 WIB in the morning. This rule is adjusted to make it easier for people to buy food for suhoor (early breakfast) and iftar (evening meal). Meanwhile, for dine-in, the capacity still has to be limited to 50 percent. Of course, these restrictions must also be supported by restaurant business owners to continue implementing health protocols including washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance.

Restrictions in the Workplace, Public Transportation, and Places of Worship

Restrictions are still in place for the office sector, where the maximum capacity of employees working in office should not be more than 50 percent, while the rest have to complete  their work from home. This continues to be enforced while keeping attention to the number of transmission cases that occured in the office clusters. 

Has your office implemented this PPKM regulation? If not, you can report it via the JAKI application. Relax, you can report safely because you have the option “hide report” feature.

For the use of public transportation the capacity is still reduced by 50 percent. Likewise with the place of worship.

[How to Maintain Health Protocols During Ramadan]

Even though this year we have been able to do congregational prayers together, health protocols are still being carried out and providing a maximum capacity of 50 percent. That way you and other congregations can worship calmly and comfortably.

Rules at Shopping Centers or Malls

Nearing the Eid al-Fitr holiday, many people visit shopping centers or malls. Apart from looking foodstuffs for food during iftar and Eid al-Fitr, most people choose to go to shopping centers to find new clothes that have become Indonesian culture when celebrating Eid al-Fitr. However, in this pandemic atmosphere, mall managers must implement policies so that new transmission clusters do not occur. What the mall manager must pay attention to is the number of people visiting and the orderliness of health protocols, as well as providing hand washing facilities in several corners, especially in the entrance area, dining area, and others.

During this pandemic, for those of you who are still afraid to visit the mall to avoid crowds, you can choose the shopping option through the online marketplace, or before going to the shopping center to buy staples, you can check through the JakPangan feature on JAKI. Now it's really easy, to stay safe, complete the needs of this pandemic.

Avoid Returning to Hometown or “Mudik”

The government has stipulated a ban on “mudik” with the Letter of the Head of the Task Force Number. 13 of 2021. It may sound sad, if during holidays we cannot gather with family in our hometown. Even though this holiday is the “once-a-year” momentum to enjoy the holiday with family. Especially for those of you who work far from families. However, you don't have to be sad. Currently, choosing not to go home is one of the wise and noble decisions as you can avoid becoming a carrier of the virus for parents and families back home.

Well, now you know the PPKM rules that you must pay attention to during the month of Ramadan and before the Eid Al-Fitr. By following the PPKM rules, you will help to cut the number of Covid-19 cases. Don't forget to also report PPKM violations that you encounter through the JAKI application, which you can download through the Google Play Store and Apple Store. Don't ever hesitate to report, because your report will be anonymous with the hide report feature. You can make this year's Ramadan as the last Ramadan where we have to struggle with pandemics. Hopefully in the next Ramadan we have reached the point of returning to Ramadan without this virus.

Jakarta Covid-19 Response

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Tiffany Aisyah Septiana

Not a good writer, just a random writer.

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