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Search Covid-19 Vaccination Locations on Google Maps

Mike Nafizahni

29 April 2021

Are you the type of driver who likes to ask for directions on Google Maps? If so, then you are a tech-savvy Smartcitizen. The use of technology and data makes our lives easier. For example, when Jakarta Smart City collaborated with Google in adding highways and pathways to Google Maps. That way, we can drive on the roads in Jakarta according to the vehicle we use.

Great Collaboration of Data and Technology

Recently, Jakarta Smart City has collaborated again with Google and Jakarta Health Agency to display the Covid-19 vaccination location on Google Maps. Thanks to this collaboration, if you look for the Covid-19 vaccination location on Maps, you will see the markers for the vaccination locations both at public health centers (Puskesmas) and in hospitals throughout Jakarta. This will certainly easier for you to find out information about which Puskesmas and hospitals provide Covid-19 vaccination services.

In this collaboration, every collaborator carries out their role well. The Jakarta Health Agency, as the party responsible for administering vaccinations in Jakarta, provides various data such as a list of names, telephone numbers, and addresses of Puskesmas and hospitals serving vaccinations. Meanwhile, Jakarta Smart City is tasked to fill in the data and coordinates of the vaccination locations. Then, after all the required data has been collected, Google with its technology starts executing until the vaccination location can be displayed on Google Maps.

Vaccination Locations and Other Information

To find out the vaccination location in Jakarta, you only need to type in keywords such as "Covid-19 Vaccination" on Google Maps. In addition to displaying the location points of Covid-19 vaccination, Google Maps also displays a reminder that vaccination services at each hospital or health center can only be done by appointment and are limited to certain patients (for registered patients).

Don't worry just yet. On Google Maps, it will also display information regarding directions to checking the schedule or registering the vaccination before visiting the vaccination location. You can check the schedule or register for the Covid-19 vaccination through the JAKI application which can be downloaded via Google Play Store or Apple App Store. For additional information, the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 website is also included for those of you who want to know more about the Covid-19 vaccination program in Jakarta.

The application of data and technology in life does provide tangible benefits. Through this kind of collaboration, the citizens can easily find out the vaccination locations in Jakarta. The hope is that the vaccination program can become easier to carry out so that it can help end the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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