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KSBB UMKM: Helping SMEs in Jakarta With Jakpreneur

Mike Nafizahni

27 May 2021

In the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic until now, SMEs is a sector that has faced many obstacles. Starting from financial problems, reduced capacity due to social restrictions, and to meet very high hygiene standards. These business actors need help to survive during the pandemic. In Jakarta, there are 2,700 SMEs that need business capital and 485 SMEs that need training to grow their businesses. Looking from that data, the Large-scale Social Collaboration for SMEs (KSBB UMKM) is here, committed to help the SMEs, one of them is by collaborating with Jakpreneur.

The Benefit Of KSBB UMKM

With KSBB UMKM, potential donors can easily determine the amount and the type of the assistance, and also to whom the assistance will be given. So each assistance provided will be more impactful and precise. The process of providing assistance has also become easier with the website. On that site, we can find out what kind of assistance that business actors need, see the data of the SMEs distribution in the Jakarta area, as well as the data of SMEs in need, and register to become the  KSBB UMKM collaborator.

Besides accommodating assistance from donors and giving it to business actor in need, another effort that is being done by KSBB UMKM is to grow the registered SMEs, through collaboration with Jakpreneur. Business actors who have become members of Jakpreneur will have the opportunity to grow their business through Jakpreneur programs. From training, mentoring, licensing, marketing, and financial reporting and capital support.

In order to make it easier for the Jakpreneur members, Jakpreneur has collaborated with various start-ups and government agencies. Collaborators from start-ups such as Gojek, Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak, and Grab, are willing to provide support like training and platforms to sell the products. Meanwhile, collaborators from government agencies such as the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Higher Education Service Institutions (LLDIKTI), Bank Indonesia, and Bank DKI, provide support like training, coaching, and access to capital for SMEs from KSBB UMKM.

[SMEs Large-scale Social Collaboration: Helping Small Businesses of Jakarta]

How to Get KSBB UMKM Assistance

You can get the KSBB UMKM assistance by joining as a member of Jakpreneur. Requirements to become a member of Jakpreneur for novice entrepreneurs, namely having a Jakarta ID card and a statement letter of plan to open a business (can be an online statement through the Jakpreneur application). Meanwhile, for advanced entrepreneurs, the requirements are to have a Jakarta ID card, have proof of business ownership, as well as the statement letter of a business development plan (can be an online statement through the Jakpreneur application).

Jakpreneur membership is also open for those of you who don’t have a Jakarta ID Card. On the condition that you have been domiciled and active in Jakarta for 2 years or more which can be proven by a statement letter from the village head, as well as obtaining facilities for activities that collaborate with other institutions or parties. If you meet all the requirements, you can continue the registration process by visiting

Here's how to register via the Jakpreneur website:

  • On the Jakpreneur homepage, select the Daftar menu

  • Complete the registration form for Jakarta ID card owner and non-Jakarta ID card owner (for non-Jakarta ID card owner, additional required data and files will be appear)

  • Wait for the registration to be validated. If so, you will receive a reply email about user access to login

  • Reopen the site, click the Masuk menu

  • After logging in, on the participant registration form, please select the intention of joining and complete each selected form

  • Select the training you want then press OK

  • If you have selected the training, check the statement then click Simpan

  • Do the filing according to the schedule and location that has been determined

  • If so, follow the training according to the schedule

  • Wait for the verification of training results. If so, follow the next steps as needed

You can also register through the dedicated Jakpreneur feature on JAKI application which can be downloaded on the Google Play Store and the App Store.

[How to Contribute as a Collaborator in the KSBB UMKM Program]

Each program provided by Jakpreneur is the result of collaboration with the collaborators previously mentioned. You can also support the SMEs development program by becoming a collaborator of the KSBB UMKM program. Should be noted that the provision of assistance through KSBB UMKM doesn’t have a minimum amount. No matter how big or small the donations you give, it will really help the business actors who drive the economy in the capital city.


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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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