After the government officially approved the provision of booster shot for the citizens, now JAKI is available for booster shot registration! The target of this booster vaccine is those who are 18 years or older, by prioritizing the elderly and people who have immunocompromised conditions. Read for more explanation.
Why Is Booster Vaccine Important?
A booster vaccine is an additional vaccine given after a person has received their primary vaccine course (first and second dose). Booster vaccines are given to maintain our immunity, as protection given by the original shots naturally start to wane over time. Just like primary vaccination, booster vaccination has the potential to cause side effects such as sore and swollen arm, fever, chills, and headache. This is the body’s natural response which indicates that the vaccine is working, so you don’t need to worry. In Indonesia, the types of booster vaccines used are AstraZeneca (given in half dose, 0.25ml), Pfizer (given in half dose, 0.15 ml), and Moderna (given in half dose, 0.25 ml). As of January 24, 2022, 313,382 Jakarta citizens have received their booster vaccines. See further explanation of booster vaccines below.
How to Check Your Booster Schedule via JAKI
A person is eligible for a booster shot only after six months after their second dose. So, before you pass the six months period, you won’t be able to see your booster schedule. To check the booster schedule at JAKI, you can follow these steps:
open the JAKI application and click the ‘Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19’ banner;
enter your ID number and full name as stated in your ID card. Click ‘Periksa’;
read the terms and conditions, then click ‘Ya, saya mengerti’;
if you’re eligible to get a booster, you’ll see the statement ‘Siap divaksinasi dosis 3’. Please click ‘Daftar Ulang Vaksinasi Dosis 3’ to pick your schedule and location.

However, if you’re not eligible for a booster shot yet, the display that appears is as follows:

Pick Your Own Schedule and Location
Just like the previous registration for primary dose vaccination, you can choose the date and location for your booster vaccine via JAKI. That way, you don’t have to leave the house and queue during the registration process. To choose a vaccination schedule and location, you can continue the registration process by following the aforementioned steps. Don't forget to download and print your Kartu Vaksinasi (vaccination card) dan Kartu Kendali (control card) and show it to the vaccinator at the vaccination location.

What you’ll see after you’ve successfully registered for the booster vaccine
Then, what are the requirements to receive a booster shot? Read the information as stated in Circular Letter Number HK.02.02/II/252/2022 regarding Covid-19 Booster Shot:
should be able to show the ID card number by bringing the ID card or Family Card;
must be 18 years or over;
have received complete primary vaccines at least 6 months prior.
Get the Latest Covid-19 Information From JakWarta
Along with the booster shot, first and second dose Covid-19 vaccinations are still rolling out in Jakarta. To keep up with the official information regarding Covid-19, JakWarta will be your main go-to feature in JAKI. You’ll get the most updated information on vaccination schedule or Covid-19 data every day, sent to your smartphone!
That’s all you need to know on booster shot registration via JAKI. Share this information with your family and friends in need! Get JAKI for free via the Play Store or App Store. Stay safe, Smartcitizen!