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Covid-19 Vaccine Phases in Jakarta

Amira Sofa

16 March 2021

Jakarta Provincial Government continues to prepare comprehensive Covid-19 vaccination services. Every effort is made so that the vaccination can run effectively and efficiently, considering the current number of vaccines is not possible to be distributed to all citizens at one time. As a result, vaccination in Jakarta is carried out in some phases and the recipients in each phase are determined based on a priority scale.

With the existence of this policy, a new question perhaps crosses your mind, “When is my turn to get vaccinated?” Well, if you want to know when your turn to get vaccinated will be, you can start by finding out the target recipients of the Covid-19 vaccination along with the phases of the vaccination itself.

Who is the Target Recipient of the Vaccines? 

The Ministry of Health of The Republic of Indonesia has designated residents of 18 years old or older as the target recipients of Covid-19 vaccination. They can be vaccinated if the adequate vaccine safety data and emergency use authorization or the issuance of Distribution Permit Number (NIE) from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) are available. 

4 Phases of Covid-19 Vaccination in Jakarta

There are 4 phases determined based on the priority scale of the recipients. The phases are as follows:

  • Phase 1

The first phase of vaccination is prioritized for health workers, health workers assistants, supporting staff, and students who are currently studying medical professional education and work in Health Service Facilities.

  • Phase 2 

The vaccination targets at this phase include various groups, such as: 

  1. Public service officers, for example Indonesian National Army/Indonesian National Police, legal officers, and other public service officers including officers at airports/port/stations/terminals, banks, state electricity company, regional drinking water company, as well as other officers who are involved directly in providing community services. 

  2. Elderly (≥ 60 tahun)

  • Phase 3 

This phase is for the vulnerable people regarding their geospatial, social, and economic aspects.

  • Phase 4

The last phase of vaccination is for the community and other economic actors using a cluster approach, according to the availability of vaccines.

The staging and determination of priority groups for vaccine recipients is carried out by taking the Roadmap of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) into account, as well as the studies from Indonesian Technical Advisory Group.

Who Should And Should Not Get Vaccinated

After reading the previous description, what phase do you suppose you are included in the vaccination phase? Well, the criteria for vaccination recipients above can be used as a reference to see at what stage you will get vaccinated. However, don’t forget that in order to be vaccinated, you must be in a healthy condition.

Here are some criteria of individuals who should not get the Covid-19 vaccine:

  1. In an unhealthy condition;

  2. Have uncontrolled comorbidities;

  3. Less than 18 years old;

  4. Have a medical history of autoimmune;

  5. Pregnant or breastfeeding women;

  6. Just recovered from Covid-19 in less than 3 months.

[Important Things About Covid-19 Vaccination in Jakarta]

So Smartcitizen, have you got an idea when to be vaccinated? Have you understood the stages of Covid-19 vaccination in Jakarta as well as the criteria for its recipients?

If you have, prepare yourself until the vaccination time arrives. For those of you who meet the vaccination requirements, you can check the vaccination schedule by accessing JAKI. If you don’t, please keep implementing 3M health protocols (washing your hands, wearing masks, and keeping your distances). This also applies for those of you who have got/will get vaccinated, because even though vaccination can help increase body immunity and reduce the impact of Covid-19, the possibility risk of transmitting or being transmitted of coronavirus still remains. Therefore, let’s work hand in hand in breaking the transmission chain of Covid-19 by supporting vaccination programs and being disciplined in adhering to health protocols. 

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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