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Safer Way to Report via JAKI With Private Report by Default

Teresa Simorangkir

16 July 2021

A safe and harmonious Jakarta is the goal for all of us. Therefore, in order to improve the city, the government needs the help of its citizens. One of the easiest ways to contribute is by reporting any violations  in Jakarta through provided channels.

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The easiest way to submit your report is through JAKI. With the JakLapor feature on JAKI, you can make a report in a few minutes and it will go straight into the Citizen Relation Management system. After that, the report will be processed by the local government apparatus. The entire reporting process can be monitored through the JakRespons menu.

Report Safely with Private Report Feature from JakLapor

We surely have pure intention to help improve Jakarta when submitting a report to JakLapor. In reality, good intention doesn't always work out the way we want it to be. You may be worried that your identity will be exposed when sending a report. For this reason, JAKI always tries to update its system to ensure the safety of the users. So far, JAKI has ensured that the identity of the reporter is guaranteed to be confidential. If you go to JakRespons menu which contains a collection of reports from the users, you won’t see the name of the reporter in all reports. Comments submitted in the discussion section will always remain anonymous.

Currently, the safety of reporters is even more guaranteed with the ‘Private by Default’ system. With this system, the report details can only be seen by the reporter and the officer won’t be able to see the photo uploaded by the reporter. In addition, reports that were originally publicly viewable on JakRespons won’t be visible, unless the user chooses to make it publicly visible.

[Take a Look Behind the Citizen Relation Management App]

“If the officer can't see the photo of the report, then how will my report be followed up?”

That's why the description box is provided. There are three description fields that you need to fill in when submitting a report.

First, Ceritakan laporan kamu column

Mention the problems that you find such as the time of occurrence and the type of violation in no less than 150 characters. Example: Employees are forced to work from the office even though the government has established the Emergency PPKM. Many employees have tested positive for Covid-19. This situation has been going on for 1 week.

Second, Tulis lokasi secara lengkap

Provide clear and specific location details such as street names, building names, or certain landmarks. Example: There is a wild banner along the fence of RPTRA Kebun Indah on Jl. Jakarta Kini, Central Jakarta. This description explains the problem that the complainant sees along with a clear address. A clear description will make it easier for officers to spot the location so your report can be processed quickly. Even if the report is private, your report will still go into the system and be processed. Don't worry!

Third, Keterangan tambahan

This field is optional and you may leave it as it is. However, you can write additional information that may improve and smooth out the whole process if you wish.

[Take a Look Behind the Citizen Relation Management App]

Reports submitted through JakLapor can be sensitive, especially whistleblowing reports. From the beginning, JAKI has ensured that the identity of the reporter is guaranteed to be confidential. Privacy safeguards are also carried out to avoid misuse of important data, such as personal data or sensitive information. Being said that, please do your part to keep your privacy safe by making sure that the report you submit doesn’t contain personal info.

How to Securely Submit a Report on JakLapor

JAKI has updated its system to maintain the safety of the user. Now, let's do our bits to keep our privacy safe by sending the correct report. How to make the correct report?

Decide Whether Your Report is Private or Public

Previously, when you want to submit your report, the first thing you do is to take a picture of the problems you see. Now, with the new system, before submitting the photo, you’ll see a page of report type options. This system will automatically make your report private, even before you choose whether it’s private or public. However, you can still change the report type to public by checking the 'Public/Open' column. If you select public, a notification will appear that your report will be made public, of course while keeping your account anonymous.

Also, during this stage, before taking a picture, make sure the location or GPS on your smartphone is turned on. It’s important because JAKI utilizes the geo-tagging feature to detect reporting locations, so your report can be immediately forwarded to related local governments.

Choose a Safe Spot When Taking a Photo

This is the most crucial point when you’re sending a report via JakLapor. Suppose you’re reporting a violation during PPKM rules, follow these steps to be safe:

  1. Take a picture in hidden areas. Why? So that nobody knows you’re the reporter. If you happen to report violations around your office, just take a photo of the building from the outside to avoid the CCTV cameras.

  2. Avoid taking pictures from your work desk or selfies. Other people may guess who took the photo based on the angle, so please be aware of your surroundings. This also applies when you take pictures of your neighborhood at home, be aware of how you take your photos and make sure nobody knows that the photo was taken from your house. JakLapor has indeed updated its system to make reports automatically private and the photo can’t be seen by anyone. However, there’s nothing wrong with taking extra steps to keep yourself safe!

[Tips on How to Taking Report Picture Correctly]

Once these steps are done, you’ll be asked to choose a report category. If you see a violation related to PPKM, then you can choose the Gangguan Ketenteraman dan Ketertiban (Disturbance of Peace and Order) or Hubungan Pekerja-Pengusaha (Employee-Employer Relations) category.

Provide a Clear Description of the Problem and Location

As already mentioned, if you choose to keep the report private, even the officer won’t be able to see the photo uploaded by the reporter. Therefore, providing a clear description is a sure-fire way to keep your report accurate. Provide a detailed description and include the location where you saw the violation. The more detailed your description, the faster the officers will proceed with the report. After completing this step, you'll be asked to review the report. Make sure photos and descriptions that you provide are complete.

Your Reports Help Jakarta To Be Better

Citizen’s effort to submit any violations or problems in Jakarta can help the government to provide the best service for all of us. With the private feature on JakLapor, it’s hoped that citizens will feel comfortable when submitting their report via JAKI, so please follow the steps mentioned. Lastly, there’s no fee charged when you’re reporting via JAKI as well as downloading the app. So, don’t be hesitant! Get JAKI on your phone via Google Play Store or App Store for iOS users.


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Teresa Simorangkir

A writer and a lifelong learner.

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