The Covid-19 vaccination has been taking place in Jakarta since early 2021. After going through several stages from health workers to the elderly, now the Covid-19 vaccination in Jakarta is intended for residents 12 years and over. This vaccination is an effort to achieve herd immunity, with the hope of ending the current pandemic. With more people being vaccinated, it will prevent the Sars-Cov-2 virus from infecting many people, so that herd immunity can be achieved.
So, how far has the Covid-19 vaccination coverage in Jakarta been given so far? Have we reached the target? To answer this question, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the Jakarta Smart City in collaboration with the Jakarta Health Department launched the Regional Vaccination Coverage Dashboard on website.
Distribution Map of Dose-1 Vaccine Coverage per Subdistrict

One of the things you can find on the regional vaccination coverage dashboard is a map of the distribution of dose-1 vaccine coverage per sub-district with regularly updated data. You can see the color gradation on the map showing the distribution of vaccinations per sub-district. The darkest blue color indicates sub-districts with vaccinations that have or even exceeded the target. In the map, the darkest color is the Tanah Abang sub-district with 594,945 people who have been vaccinated until July 13, 2021. While the lightest blue color shows the vaccination area that has not reached the target yet. Below the map, you can see the range of the percentage of accumulated coverage of the total target, with the lowest at 30% and the highest at 456.6%.
List of Dose-1 Vaccine Coverage Per Subdistrict

Unlike the previous map view, this data presents a table of all sub-districts in Jakarta with total targets, accumulated dose-1 coverage, and its percentages. For example, in Cakung Subdistrict, the total target of vaccine recipients is 393,257 people. On July 13, 2021, the accumulation of new dose-1 vaccine recipients reached 130,210 people. From these data, it can be concluded that the percentage of vaccination in Cakung District has reached 33.11%. For the latest and more complete view of the data, you can visit the website.
Percentage of Vaccination Achievements by Age Group
In the graph below, you can see the percentage of vaccination achievement by age group on July 13, 2021. The age group that has been vaccinated the most for dose 1 is the elderly (65.8%), followed by 18-59 years (61,2%), and then 12-17 years (10,7%). In this data visualization, you can also change the filtering of the data display according to the date or accumulated value.

Daily Dose-1 Vaccine Coverage
In addition to the achievement of dose-1 vaccine per sub-district and by age group, in the graph below you can see Jakarta's achievement in administering vaccinations per day. The highest count for dose-1 vaccine was occured on July 13, 2021, with as many as 293.767 people having been administered. While the lowest number of vaccinations was on June 13, 2021, with only 198 people receiving the shot on that day.

Details of Daily Target Dose-1 Achievement per Subdistrict

To get an idea of whether the vaccination target in a sub-district has been achieved or not, this graph displays the answer. Until July 13, 2021,almost all the districts have reached the target -- and even exceeded -- dose-1 vaccination. Only one sub-district, Kepulauan Seribu Utara, where the local government is still working hard to achieve the daily vaccination target.
Technology and Collaboration to Achieve Vaccination Targets
Data related to regional vaccination coverage at is presented as a form of transparency by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government during the Covid-19 vaccination program. The Regional Vaccination Coverage Dashboard not only serves as a source of information that can be accessed by citizens, but also as a base for policy makers to determine the best next steps to take by the government.
Until now, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has tried to facilitate the vaccination registration process through the JAKI application and the website. In addition, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government not only provides vaccinations in all health facilities, but also opens vaccination attack points in certain locations such as Gelora Bung Karno, JIExpo, or malls. Vaccination cars also traveled to various areas of the capital, to serve residents who have not been vaccinated. The implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination is a collaboration of various parties who both want to make Jakarta healthier, stronger, and protected.
Smartcitizen, have you been vaccinated, as well as helping Jakarta to achieve herd immunity? If not, now is the time. Register easily through the JAKI application or the website. For more detailed information, keep an eye on Jakarta Smart City and Pemprov DKI Jakarta social media channels!