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Hassle-Free Covid-19 Vaccines Registration via JAKI

Mike Nafizahni

18 June 2021

Since the news of vaccination for citizens aged 18 years and above was announced by the Jakarta Provincial Government, citizen  enthusiasm has increased until this day. However, do you know something? Other than coming directly to the vaccination location, you can also register for vaccination through the JAKI application. This all-in-one Jakarta super-app doesn't want to miss helping Jakarta citizens. So, what are the advantages of registering for vaccination through JAKI? Read the article below!

Easy to Use and Easy to Access

The JAKI application can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Owing to the Covid-19 Vaccination feature, you can register for Covid-19 vaccination at home, at work, or anywhere else in your free time. The registration process is also made easier with easy-to-understand instructions. So, just open your JAKI application, and you will save a lot of time.

Choose Your Own Vaccination Location

The far away vaccination location can be a problem. It will force you to spend more of your precious time visiting the health facility, moreover  you also must avoid the risk of Covid-19 transmission while doing that extended traveling. Another advantage that you get if you register for vaccination through JAKI, is that you can choose the closest vaccination location according to where you live or where you work. Saving your time and cost!

Adjust the Schedule During Your Busy Day

Besides being able to decide the location of the vaccination, you can also decide the vaccination schedule according to your free time. After you get your  schedule, you can come directly on that schedule and no longer need to wait in long queues at the health facility. Of course, it saves time and prevents the risk of Covid-19 transmission at the vaccination location even further.

Fill in Your Personal Data From Home

Another advantage that you will get by registering through JAKI is that you can fill in your personal data from home before going to the vaccination location. The fill in process can also be more convenient because it’s not limited in time and can be done at any time. When arriving at the vaccination location, you just need to wait without having to fill in too much data. Furthermore, if many citizens register through JAKI, it will certainly prevent long queues at the vaccination location.

Check Your Vaccination Status

After registering for vaccinations, the Covid-19 Vaccination feature also allows you to check your vaccination status and schedule. The checking process is quite easy, you only need to enter the Identity Number (NIK) and the name from the National Identity Card (KTP). After that, the information on the vaccination status will appear. Oh, and you can also check your family's vaccination status through this feature.

[Vaccination Schedule Status in JAKI: What Do They Mean?]

Help Government Record More Details

Registering for vaccinations through the JAKI application does provide many advantages. Beside for us, registering through JAKI also makes it easier for the Jakarta Provincial Government to record more detailed data on citizens who have received the first or second dose of vaccine. That way, the government can determine the next strategy to achieve herd immunity and end this pandemic together.

To register for the Covid-19 vaccination through the JAKI application, you can download it first on the Google Play Store or App Store. If you have registered, don't forget to prepare a Jakarta ID card when you want to vaccinate. For citizens with non-Jakarta ID cards, you can prepare a Jakarta Domicile Certificate from the neighborhood association where you live, as well as a Work Certificate in Jakarta from your workplace. One more thing that is no less important, always complies with health protocols everywhere you go including at the vaccination location.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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