Data transparency helps us get information more quickly and accurately. For this reason, Jakarta supports the implementation of a data-driven city policy. There is a lot of data information that you can access through various platforms provided by the Jakarta Provincial Government. One of them is a collection of data related to Covid-19 that you can access through the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 website and Jakarta's super-app, JAKI.
Bed Availability Data at Covid-19 Referral Hospitals

Recently, the website has added a new sub-menu to the Data menu, namely The Bed Availability. In the sub-menu, you can find information of Covid-19 referral hospitals along with hotline numbers that can be contacted, as well as the number of beds that are available.
The bed availability data comes from 101 Covid-19 referral hospitals in Jakarta. The data consists of several types of rooms dedicated to Covid-19 patient, including the availability of ICU (Intensive Care Unit) room with negative pressure, ICU room without negative pressure, isolation room, PICU (Pediatric ICU) room for children, NICU (Neonatal ICU) room for newborn, Perina or nursery room for Covid-19, operation rooms (OK) for Covid-19, and the Hemodialysis (HD) room for Covid-19.
For those of you who don't know yet, JAKI currently had a feature that can check all the data. You can check it through the Tempat Tidur RS feature on the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 menu on JAKI. The data displayed comes from the site which has been adjusted to the mobile version. So, you can see it more quickly, whenever you need it through your gadget
Reading The Bed Availability Data at Covid-19 Referral Hospitals

When we’re on the homepage of Bed Availability data, we will be presented with two data display options. First, Data Recapitulation. This data contains the results of a recapitulation of the availability of each type of bed at the Covid-19 Referral Hospital.
For example, in the ICU room with Negative Pressure, there are two types of rooms, rooms with ventilators and rooms without ventilators. On February 16, 2021, for rooms with ventilators, there are 34 beds out of a total of 312 beds for the same type. Thus, the availability of beds in rooms with ventilators remains 11%. For rooms without ventilators, there are 79 beds out of a total of 213 beds for the same type. Thus, the availability of beds in rooms without a ventilator is left at 37%.
Likewise with the ICU room without Negative Pressure, isolation rooms, PICU (Pediatric ICU)/NICU (Neonatal ICU)/Perina (nursery) rooms for Covid-19, operation rooms (OK) for Covid-19, and the Hemodialysis (HD) rooms for Covid-19. For the OK room, on February 16, 2021, currently only has one type of ventilator room, with the remaining availability of one bed out of a total of 21 beds. The percentage of availability for OK rooms with a ventilator is only 5%, lower than other types of rooms so that it is visualized using red color.

Second, Detail Data. If the Recapitulation Data contains an overview of the availability of beds in all referral hospitals in Jakarta, the Detail Data contains detailed information of each Covid-19 referral hospital. Starting from the region, the name of the hospital, the availability of each type of bed, the hotline number, to the time when the data is last updated.
For example, in the Central Jakarta area there is the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital as one of the referral hospitals. The availability of beds in the hospital, namely in the Negative Pressure ICU room, has three beds with a ventilator and 15 beds without a ventilator. There are five beds in the NICU room. Meanwhile, ICU rooms without negative pressure, isolation rooms, PICU/Perina rooms, OK rooms and HD rooms have no availability. This data was last updated on February 16, 2021 at 11:59 AM, for the hotline number that can be contacted is 0815-1022-2900. You can also search for a specific hospital by using the search box in the top corner of the table.
Find Covid-19 Related Information Easier with JAKI

Just to remind you again, you can access all of the bed availability data through the Tempat Tidur RS feature on the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 menu in the JAKI application which you can download from Google Play Store or App Store. In addition, there are various other features in JAKI to make it easier for you to get data related to Covid-19. One of them, such as the Data Pemantauan feature to check the development of the number of Covid-19 cases.
When we begin to understand data, its transparency is something that needs attention, especially in the midst of the struggle against Covid-19 like now. Information on the bed availability at Covid-19 referral hospital is very important for those who need further treatment because of Covid-19. For us, this data can be a reminder for us to protect ourselves better and those closest to us. If there are no more beds left, there is no guarantee that help will arrive on time. For that, never let your guard down in our fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.