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Three Levels of Risk in Corona Likelihood Metric Test Results

Aditya Gagat Hanggara

28 July 2020

Lately, you may have often heard a risk test tool called Corona Likelihood Metric or CLM. You can use this feature through the JAKI application to find out if you are at risk of contracting the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease. CLM is not an ordinary self-check tool. It has been supported by machine learning technology. This innovation is the result of the collaboration between the Jakarta government, Harvard CLM Team, and Klakklik.ID. Thanks to this technology, every symptom you report in the application will be processed with a calculation model in machine learning to provide results and health recommendations that best suit your condition.

[Reasons to Do Self-Assessment on CLM - Kalkulator COVID-19]

Know the Risk Level, Follow the Recommendations

After filling your complete personal information and honestly answering all clinical questions in CLM, you don't need to wait for days to get the results of the examination. In just seconds, you can already know the needed information through three levels of test results: low risk, medium risk, and high risk.

Each category of risk listed in the CLM test results is of course also implemented with relevant health instructions that Smartcitizen needs to follow. These recommendations are not only to protect yourself but also to protect people around you, either when you at home, at work, or in other public places. These three categories are:

Level 1 - Low Risk

If you fall into this category, then you are declared to be at low risk for outside activities such as going to work, school, and other outdoor activities. The health recommendations that you can do to stay safe and healthy are:

  • Try to stay at home and reduce activities outside the home

  • Continue to comply with established health protocols

  • When going for indoor activities, prioritize a place with good air ventilation

  • Protect yourself with three preventive measures: wear a mask, wash hands, and maintain distance

  • Do the CLM test regularly to monitor your health condition

For those of you with the low-risk category, you can still travel outside the home for activities that are permitted by the Government of Jakarta during the transitional period. Even so, to reduce the risk further, it is recommended to stay at home.

[A Safety Guide for the PSBB Transition Period]

Level 2 - Medium Risk

If the CLM test results determine that you fall into this category, then you are declared at medium risk for outside activities such as going to work, school, and other outdoor activities. Health recommendations that you can follow to stay safe and healthy include:

  • Try to stay at home and reduce activities outside the home

  • Continue to comply with established health protocols

  • When going for indoor activities, prioritize a place with good air ventilation

  • Protect yourself with three preventive measures: wear a mask, wash hands, and maintain distance

  • Do the CLM test regularly to monitor your health condition

As you can see, the recommendations given are not much different from the low-risk category. But, if you are declared as a medium risk, then you are strongly advised not to leave the house unless there is an urgent need.

Level 3 - High Risk

The last category below indicates that you are at high risk for outside activities such as going to work, school, and other outdoor activities. If you included into this level, immediately follow the medical recommendations listed on the CLM test results:

  • Perform a PCR or swab test at the nearest health service facility

  • Isolate yourself at home for 14 days; do not make contact with other people, and monitor your health condition until recovers

  • To protect yourself and others, do not leave your house

  • Try to be in a room with good air ventilation

  • Protect yourself with three preventive measures: wear a mask, wash hands, and maintain distance

  • If new symptoms appear or current symptoms worsen, immediately contact the nearest health service facility

If the CLM results state that you are at high risk, you don't need to panic. You only need to follow the protocol given as suggested, including a recommendation to take the PCR test and strictly stay at home until your symptoms improve and your condition fully recovers.

[What You Should Do If You Are Recommended for a PCR Test]

As we know, the Covid-19 pandemic still spreads in the city of Jakarta. So it's not yet the time for us to lower our vigilance. One of the most effective ways to minimize the risk of contracting the virus is to follow health protocol and official guidance diligently. Continue monitoring your health condition by taking CLM tests regularly and never forget or get bored to remind yourself and others in doing the preventive measures. Because the future of safe and healthy Jakarta is in our hands!

Corona Likelihood Metric

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Aditya Gagat Hanggara

Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

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