Smartcitizen, how many times have you traveled to public places during the pandemic? Right now, the best thing we can do to break the transmission chain of Covid-19 is to stay at home. However, it cannot be denied that the wheels of the economic recovery are starting to turn and some people start working and doing activities outside of home.
The Jakarta Provincial Government has also reopened tourist attractions a few times ago. Even though it is recommended for us to stay at home, perhaps some of you want to travel to have some relaxing times after staying home for a year. Of course it must be done by obeying health protocols.
For those of you who want to visit the recreation area in Jakarta during the pandemic, there are several recommendations from experts regarding how to choose safe recreation areas and other aspects that must be considered while traveling.
How To Choose Recreation Areas during Pandemic
Outdoor tourist attractions with large spaces, such as parks, playgrounds, or camping spots might be the right choice for Smartcitizen to relax. Outdoor recreation areas are also the right choices because they have great air circulation that can reduce the potential of Covid-19 virus transmissions. There are several criteria for parks, playgrounds, and camping spots that you can choose to visit during this pandemic.
1. Parks

Choose a park that is close to your home, because if you pickplaces that are far from where you live, it will require long journeys. And on a lenghty trip like that, there is a chance that you will need to take a stop in the rest area and make physical contact with non-sterile public facilities or strangers, risking yourself and your family to the exposure of Covid-19.
Therefore, it is also better to choose a park that isn’t crowded so you can do physical distancing with other people. Keeping a distance of 2 meters is needed when you meet people who do not live in the same house as you. Don’t forget to always wear your mask. Masks must be used except for children under age 2, have difficulty breathing, or unable to remove the mask without assistance.
While in the park, you probably may eat or go to the restroom. Thus, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 second before eating and after sneezing or coughing. Besides that, you can also use a hand sanitizer if there is no water around you. But remember, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% of alcohol.
2. Playground

If you are traveling with children, a playground is probably on the list of your destinations, because in the playground, kids can play freely. However, during a pandemic, activities on the playground must be following strict regulations. As an adult, you should help children to obey health protocols as well.
Just like when you visit a park, in the playground, you need to keep a distance of 2 meters from people who don’t live at the same house with you, wear a mask, and wash your hands with water and soap or use hand sanitizer. In addition, children need to be reminded and monitored so they don’t make physical contact with their playmates, don’t touch their faces after touching public facilities, and always wash their hands after playing.
3. Campsite

If you choose to go slightly out of the city to camp, please camp with the people who live under the same roof with you. At the camping site, perhaps you will meet other campers. Keep a distance of 2 meters from them. However, if you have to camp with people who don’t live in the same house as you, both of you should sleep in different tents that are 2 meters away from each other and avoid using the same items, including foods and drinks.
To maintain the hygiene of the campsite, you also need to bring your own medical equipment, such as hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% of alcohol and disinfectant, because in the campsite, you will share bathrooms with other campers. Don’t forget to spray disinfectant on surfaces that are not necessarily sterile, such as doors and shower handles. After using public facilities, don’t forget to wash your hands too.
Other Important Things To Consider When Traveling
In addition to the selection of places that have been discussed, there are other detailed things that you should pay attention to when traveling in the midst of a pandemic.
1. The People You Make Physical Contact With
The Covid-19 virus can be transmitted from close contact with other people. Therefore, during your trip, it is recommended to only make contact with people who live at the same house with you or people who have been fully vaccinated.
2. Transportations
If you are traveling by land, choose a destination that is close to home, so you don’t need to visit rest areas and increase the chances of getting infected by the virus. The same thing goes with air travel. It is better to choose a destination that doesn’t require a long flight.
3. Accomodations
You can rent a house or cabin to spend the night with people who usually live in the same address or people who have been fully vaccinated. Avoid staying at friends’ houses, hotels, or guest houses where you have to share rooms and facilities with other people.
4. Food
It would be better for you and your family to bring food and drinks from home. If you want to buy them from a restaurant, you can just order takeaway foods so you don’t have to eat in the same room with other people. You can also choose a restaurant with a drive-thru system so you don’t have to get out of your car to order food. But, don’t forget to wear your mask while interacting with the waiters.
Those are the tips for choosing a recreation area in Jakarta along with the details that you should pay attention to when traveling. As a reminder, the Covid-19 pandemic is not over. We still have to reduce our mobility and it is better not to go outside home if necessary. However, the tips above may work for those of you who want to travel with your family so you can travel more safely by complying to health protocols.
For those of you who find health protocols violations at recreation areas or done by tourists, you can report it through JAKI. No need to worry, JAKI has a report hiding system that allows you to report anonymously. Haven't got the application? You can download JAKI through Google Play Store and App Store. Hopefully with easier ways of reporting health protocols violations and the existence of regulations for traveling in Jakarta, the pandemic will end soon. Amen.