Home > Article > Get to know the Jakarta government services that can be accessed by online
Aditya Gagat Hanggara
14 April 2020
In an effort to reduce the addition of the COVID-19 pandemic cases which have now reached more than thousands of positive cases, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has closed or limited face-to-face services for the public. But Smartcitizen doesn't need to worry because the Provincial Government has prepared a number of applications and online sites that you can access while #DiRumahAja. So, even though Jakarta is currently being hit by a corona virus storm, some community services can still run as normal. How to? Utilization of Digital Technology Thanks to the advances in technology that we can enjoy today, almost everything we want can be done either through cell phones or computers. This is what the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government takes advantage of to attend and provide digital public service options, starting from processing civil documents, to reporting and paying taxes. The use of technology like this is an indicator of becoming a smart city, because in this way, the government process can run more efficiently and of course more transparently. What services are available? So Smartcitizen, did you know that most of the Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) operating under the auspices of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government already have applications and sites that are ready to serve your needs? If not, let's get acquainted and we will examine one by one what the flow of use is, its functions and uses.
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Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional Motorsport.com pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.
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