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Get to know the Jakarta government services that can be accessed by online

Aditya Gagat Hanggara

14 April 2020

In an effort to reduce the addition of the COVID-19 pandemic cases which have now reached more than thousands of positive cases, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has closed or limited face-to-face services for the public. But Smartcitizen doesn't need to worry because the Provincial Government has prepared a number of applications and online sites that you can access while #DiRumahAja. So, even though Jakarta is currently being hit by a corona virus storm, some community services can still run as normal. How to?

Utilization of Digital Technology
Thanks to the advances in technology that we can enjoy today, almost everything we want can be done either through cell phones or computers. This is what the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government takes advantage of to attend and provide digital public service options, starting from processing civil documents, to reporting and paying taxes. The use of technology like this is an indicator of becoming a smart city, because in this way, the government process can run more efficiently and of course more transparently.

What services are available?
So Smartcitizen, did you know that most of the Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) operating under the auspices of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government already have applications and sites that are ready to serve your needs? If not, let's get acquainted and we will examine one by one what the flow of use is, its functions and uses.

1. Alpukat Betawi
Service link: Application | Site

You can use this application by the Jakarta Population and Civil Registry Office to take care of all matters related to civil documents such as KTP, birth certificate, family card, and children's identity card. To register, you only need to prepare personal data such as your name, Identity Number, Family Card, email address, and mobile phone number that you can contact.

2. PTSP DKI Jakarta
Service link: Site

One Stop Integrated Service or abbreviated as PTSP is a service from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government for matters related to licensing and non-licensing. Before submitting an application, you can also find out the requirements first.

3. DKI Jakarta Online Tax
Service link: Application | Site

Tax reports and payments can now be made online, you know, Smartcitizen! Cool, right? You just need to follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Taxpayers register to

  • Registration using NIK (personal) or central NPWP (business entity)

  • Wait for the activation email

  • If the activation is successful, login to use the service

  • Tax objects that appear in online taxes are tax objects that have been filled in with the taxpayer's NIK / NPWP

  • If the tax object belonging to the taxpayer has not appeared, contact or send an email to the nearest UPPRD (Regional Tax Service Unit) or Samsat.

4. iJakarta
Service link: Application

Well, this one application is perfect for those of you who like to read books or who are activating the #DiRumahAja movement. You don't need to be tired of coming to the library because you only need to download the iJakarta application to be able to explore thousands of book collections. This application is also equipped with other excellent features such as e-libraries, feeds, virtual bookshelves, and eReaders.

5. JakEvo
Service link: Application | Site

Is there a need to apply for a Trading Business License (SIUP) or Company Registration Certificate (TDP)? You can do this online by downloading the JakEvo application. Before you can use this service, you will be asked to register by filling in your NIK, KK Number and NPWP.

Service link: Application | Site

As a form of information disclosure, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has formed an Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID). On the official website, you can search and find a number of public information, such as follow-up reports on community reports throughout 2019.

7. eMusrenbang
Service link: Application | Site

If you have any suggestions or ideas for development in the neighborhood, don't hesitate to participate in the Planning and Development Deliberation (Musrenbang). Your proposal can now be channeled through one of the two available online platforms, namely the official Jakarta Musrenbang website or the PlanJKT application.

If you are more comfortable using a computer, you can access, open the menu on the main page, select 'Send Suggestions', and then click 'Direct Suggestions'.

Meanwhile, for those of you who prefer to use mobile phones, you can open the PlanJKT application. If you don't have a username and password, don't worry because you can log in or sign in as 'Jakarta Society'. On the home page, you can make direct suggestions by selecting the menu icon with a plus sign at the top.

Service link: Application

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government launched the Jakarta Animal Identification System (JAIS) application as a form of government concern for the health of pets and other animals. In this application, you can not only see the medical records of your pet, but also a list of addresses and telephone numbers of veterinarians in Jakarta.

Service link: Application

Well Smartcitizen, this application can be a mainstay application for you while in Jakarta. Why? Because almost all needs related to problems in the capital can be done in one application on your cellphone. Want to make a complaint report? Can you, want to check food prices in the market? Can also. Come on, download JAKI immediately.

[Halo, this is JAKI]

10. Pantau Banjir
Service link: Application

You don't need to be nervous when it rains because you can always be on standby with this application to monitor the condition of the water pump and the water level at your nearest observation post and floodgate. Well, Smartcitizen, now you can see that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has a myriad of online applications and sites that you can use. Let's note it so you can immediately be ready whenever you need one of the government services above!
Public Service

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Aditya Gagat Hanggara

Aditya Gagat adalah lulusan Teknik Informatika dari Binus University yang saat ini menjadi salah satu Content Writer di Jakarta Smart City. Gemar mengamati isu transportasi, olahraga, teknologi dan sains, ia memulai karier Jurnalistik bersama media internasional pada 2016-2019. Saat ini ia terfokus pada topik kesehatan, khususnya mengenai penanggulangan pandemi Covid-19 di wilayah DKI Jakarta.

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