Since June 9, 2021, those who are 18 years or older can now get their Covid-19 vaccine in Jakarta. The decision to begin inoculating younger residents is deemed necessary to reduce the rate of Covid-19 cases. Those who are interested in participating in this vaccination phase are required to have a Jakarta identity card (KTP) or a certificate of residence in Jakarta. To help you understand more about the current vaccination process, please see the following guidelines.
Registration Procedure
To register for the vaccination program at the nearest health facility, you are required to have a Jakarta ID Card or a certificate of residence/working in Jakarta for those who don’t have Jakarta ID Card. You can directly come to the closest health facilities, either Puskesmas, hospitals, and other health centers nearby to your workplace or domicile location.
In addition, you can also register for vaccines through the JAKI application or Jakarta’s Covid-19 Response Team website, with these following steps:
Open the JAKI app or visit vaccination menu at;
If you choose to register via website, click 'Register' and skip step 3-4 on this guide;
Select create account if you're new to JAKI, or sign in if you already have an account;
In the Jakarta Covid-19 Response (Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19) feature, select ‘Vaksinasi’;
Enter your NIK or ID number and full name to check your vaccination schedule. Make sure your name and NIK number are correct. Then select ‘Periksa’ or check.

If your name is not yet registered, then click ‘Daftar’ or register
Next, fill in your personal data from date of birth, residential address, and complete other information including the location of the vaccination of your choice.

Once you're done, the vaccination schedule can be seen, and do not forget to fill in the pre screening data.
Voila! You've registered to vaccinate.

Finding Vaccination Locations via Google Maps
You can also find the vaccine locations through Google Maps. To do this, you just need to type relevant keywords like "Covid-19 Vaccination" on Google search. In addition to showing the points of Covid-19 vaccination location, Google Maps also displays a reminder, that vaccination services in each hospital or Puskesmas can only be done by appointment and limited to certain patients (patients who are already registered). In Google Maps you also see information about instructions for checking your schedule or vaccination list, before visiting the vaccination location.

Who Shouldn’t Take The Covid-19 Vaccine
Before vaccination, it is a good idea to check whether your condition meets the requirements to get the Covid-19 vaccine. Here are some groups that should not be vaccinated:
People who are sick;
People with chronic illness;
Individuals under 18 years of age;
Individuals with a history of autoimmune diseases;
Covid-19 survivors who have not recovered in three months;
Pregnant women;
People in the treatment of blood clotting disorders, immune deficiencies, and recipients of blood products / transfusions.
What to Prepare Before Vaccination
The three main things to note before vaccination are:
Register and maintain health protocols while at the vaccination site.
It is recommended to check your health condition. Make sure your body is fit before vaccination. This aims to determine whether there is a risk of disease, especially in comorbid patients.
Learn the flow of vaccinations starting from registration, screening and medical examination, vaccination, and observation for 30 minutes.
What To Do After Vaccination
After vaccination, there are several things that you have to do:
Keep your mask on when you're in a public place or when you're meeting someone else. Next, keep washing your hands with soap until clean.
Avoid gathering and causing crowds, because crowded places pose a high risk of transmission. To avoid this, maintain your distance and stay at home when possible.
Stay aware of the symptoms of Covid-19, because being vaccinated does not mean you are free from coronavirus. Immediately conduct self-test and isolation when making contact with people infected with Covid-19.
For more information about vaccinations and news regarding Covid-19 cases, you can follow the latest updates through Jakarta Covid-19 Response Team on the website and JAKI app, which can be downloaded through the Google Play Store and App Store.