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The Health Protocols During Face-to-Face Learning at School

Amira Sofa

09 September 2021

Since August 24, 2021, Jakarta’s Government has implemented Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 3. As PPKM levels decreased, limited face-to-face learning (PTM) can now be implemented in 610 schools in Jakarta by implementing health protocols.

The resumption of the face-to-face learning process (PTM) occurred due to certain concerns. First, it has been more than a year since the pandemic broke out in Indonesia and teaching and learning activities are carried out remotely. Distance learning is indeed necessary to reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19, but it poses challenges such as inequality in facilities/access to technology for online learning which impact the quality of education that students receive. Therefore, PTM began to be implemented gradually in Jakarta.

Some of you may still be worried if your child or sibling has to study face-to-face at school in these times. This is understandable, considering we are still in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic. However, the Government of Jakarta has compiled regulations regarding PTM in such a way, to protect students and school staff from the virus transmission while in school. These regulations need to be adhered by the school, students, and parents. What are the regulations? Read the following article to find out.

Students Quota in Face-To-Face Learning

Based on Governor’s Decree №1055/2021, the implementation of learning in each educational unit can be carried out through limited face-to-face learning and/or distance learning. Limited face-to-face learning is done with 50% of normal capacity except for special schools (SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, SMLB and MALB) with a maximum of 62% to 100% capacity and preschool with 33% of normal capacity by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.

This limited face-to-face learning trial is dynamic in nature. Two months after the PTM is first implemented, PTM will enter a Transition Period. After the Transition Period is over, PTM enters the New Habit Period. The New Habit Period ends when the PPKM level in the school area remains at level 3 or the green zone.

Face-To-Face Learning Requirements

Face-to-face learning can be carried out with the following requirements.

  1. The school meets the criteria for passing assessment 1 on readiness for education unit and assessment 2 on Learning from Home (BDR);
  2. School pass the verification;
  3. Teachers and Principals pass the training.

Schools that meet these three requirements will be determined by Jakarta’s Education Agency as the schools that are allowed to carry out face-to-face learning.

The students who can do face-to-face learning are those who have been vaccinated (for 12 years and over) and have parental permission. Students who have not been vaccinated/do not get parental permission are advised to take long-distance learning.

Furthermore, the Education Agency will conduct regular monitoring. The termination of limited PTM activities can be imposed if it is found that school residents are exposed to Covid-19, the implementation of PTM does not comply with the rules, or there is a change in policy related to the Covid-19 situation and conditions in Jakarta. What if there are school residents who are exposed to Covid-19? Then, the PTM will be stopped for 3 days, tracing will be carried out on school residents, and schools will be disinfected.

Efforts to Tighten Health Protocols During PTM

There are several efforts that must be made by schools and all school members during PTM.

  1. Marking on several school facilities such as seats, lobby floor, entrance queue, washbasin queue, school yard, and others;
  2. Installation of banners as a reminder to obey health protocols
  3. Guidance by teachers for students to keep their distance and follow health protocols;
  4. Monitoring by teachers, students, and the Covid-19 Task Force at schools;
  5. Maximum student capacity limit is 50% and schedule changes for each class.

For parents whose children are undergoing PTM, please do not wait for children at school, remind them to always maintain personal hygiene and health protocols, and inform the school if the child is sick.

IDAI’s View on The Basics and Conditions of Face-to-Face Learning

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) also gave their views on the policy. According to IDAI, there are at least three points of consideration for the implementation of PTM.

  1. The immunization of children aged 12 years and over has started;
  2. Decrease in Covid-19 cases in several regions in Indonesia;
  3. School closures that have lasted more than 1 year.

These three things have been met, so IDAI provides recommendations that can change at any time according to conditions: Based on IDAI’s recommendations, face-to-face learning can be started in stages by meeting the requirements. School openings can be determined by each region by referring to active cases (Covid-19 positivity rate is less than 8%), mortality rates, Covid-19 vaccination coverage in children has reached more than 80%, availability of SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, availability of hospital beds, both inpatient and child intensive care services, and assessment of the ability of students, schools and families to prevent transmission.

Students, teachers, and other school staff who come to school must be vaccinated against Covid-19. Parents are given the freedom to make decisions whether their children will undergo learning sessions face-to-face or online. In making this decision, parents may consider the following:

  1. Children aged 12 years and over who have received the Covid-19 vaccine.
  2. The child has no comorbidities (including obesity). If there are comorbidities, please consult a doctor first.
  3. Children are able to understand health protocols such as wearing masks, keeping a distance, washing hands, knowing what can be done to prevent transmission of Covid-19 and what not to do because of the risk of contracting/transmitting the virus.
  4. Teachers and staff at schools have been vaccinated against Covid-19.
  5. Family members at home have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

Schools are recommended to facilitate the implementation of face-to-face and online learning for all children according to the choice of parents. For face-to-face learning, schools are also required to follow regulations regarding class capacity, air circulation, study duration, availability of facilities, completeness of Covid-19 vaccination for teachers and school officers in accordance with IDAI guidelines regarding school openings.

In order for PTM to run more smoothly and safely, teachers, school officials, and parents of students need to be honest regarding their respective health conditions and not cover up if they are infected with Covid-19. The local government and schools must also be transparent in displaying data on cases of Covid-19 in children. Data can be facilitated through dashboards on the national Covid-19 data for each region and school level.

During the PTM, it is necessary to hold weekly evaluations by schools, local governments, the Health Office, and the Education Office to decide on the opening/closing of schools by taking into account the daily cases of Covid-19 among school residents.

Those are the rules and recommendations by government and experts that can be applied by schools, educators, students, and parents during the face-to-face learning period. By implementing face-to-face learning, the Government of Jakarta and its Education Agency hope that there will be no decrease in learning achievement and students in Jakarta will get a quality education.

If your children, brothers or sisters who are 12 years old and older are still in school and will undergo PTM, make sure they have been vaccinated. If they haven’t, you can register them for vaccination through the “Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19” feature on the JAKI application. JAKI can be downloaded via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Citizens of Jakarta

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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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