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Vaccination Registration Is Now Easier With JAKI

Siti Sarah S.

20 May 2021

The Covid-19 vaccination in Jakarta is still ongoing. After health workers who received phase 1 of the Covid-19 vaccination, now the elderly and public service groups are the target of the Covid-19 vaccination phase 2. According to, 64.3% of the elderly group have received the first dose of vaccination, while 56,0% have received the second dose of vaccination until May 20, 2021. Have your parents, relatives or elderly people around you received the Covid-19 vaccination? If not, you can help the elderly to check the vaccination schedule through the JAKI app.

Now, besides being able to check the vaccination schedule, JAKI also allows seniors aged 60 years or older to register for Covid-19 vaccination. This registration feature is the result of collaboration between the Jakarta Health Department (Dinkes), Jakarta Smart City, and PeduliLindungi. With this feature, seniors who have not registered for Covid-19 vaccination can easily register from their smartphone device.

Have You Registered for Covid-19 Vaccination? 

To check whether Jakarta residents are registered for vaccination or not, you can follow the following tutorial: 

  1. Open the JAKI application

  2. In the Jakarta Tanggap Covid-19 section, select Vaksinasi Covid-19.

  3. Enter your identity card number and full name.

  1. If the status "Not Registered" appears, you will be instructed to register for Covid-19 Vaccination. Meanwhile, the other age groups that were currently not registered, have to wait their turn for the next vaccination.

Why Do We Need a Vaccination Registration Feature in JAKI? 

This registration feature is developed to facilitate registration for the elderly. In other words, this feature allows citizens to register themselves or older relatives without risking their safety by going outside of their home. Simply by opening the JAKI application on your smartphone and filling in your personal data, you can register for vaccinations from your fingertips.

In addition, with the registration feature in JAKI, the Covid-19 vaccination process for the elderly can be conducted in an effective and efficient manner. Thus, speeding up the government efforts in achieving the vaccination target.

Let’s Take care of the Elderly with Covid-19 Vaccination

We already know that the elderly are more vulnerable to Covid-19. Moreover, exposure to the elderly with underlying medical conditions can cause much more severe symptoms if they are exposed to Covid-19. This is what makes this group a priority for receiving Covid-19 vaccination.

[5 Benefits of Getting a Covid-19 Vaccine]

Covid-19 vaccination can trigger the creation of antibodies in the body. With the presence of these antibodies, the body will be able to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus which carries the Covid-19 disease. Even if the elderly who have been vaccinated are exposed to Covid-19, the antibodies in the body will prevent infection and avoid more severe symptoms of Covid-19.

Therefore, let's help the elderly around us to immediately check the Covid-19 vaccination schedule and register through the JAKI application to break the chain of Covid-19 spread. You can download JAKI on the Google Play Store or Apple Store.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Siti Sarah S.

A content writer for Jakarta Smart City who loves engaging in meaningful works that makes a good impact for society even in a simple and subtle way. She is also a linguistics enthusiast and an avid reader who loves prose and poetry. Say hi to her on Twitter and IG: @sarafizaa or email to

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