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Ways to Curb Covid-19 Cases During Christmas and New Year

Syora Alya Eka Putri

27 December 2021

Who can't wait to get ready for a year-end vacation? As always, some of us will be on holiday to celebrate Christmas and continue with the celebration of the new year's eve. Amid the pandemic, we need to stay vigilant to avoid getting infected with the coronavirus when celebrating Christmas and New Year. What's more, the new variant – Omicron, has entered Indonesia. So of course we need to prepare ourselves and help make sure Covid-19 cases do not increase during this holiday period. Fortunately, there are some useful tips that can be done to prevent new clusters during the year-end holidays. 

Make Sure You're Vaccinated

According to WHO, vaccination is a primary effort to prevent the risk of Covid-19 infection. What's more, during the holiday period, people's mobility will increase even in the midst of a pandemic. For those of you who want to do activities, it is highly recommended that you have received your first or second dose of vaccines. This effort can reduce the rate of spread of the coronavirus. So, make sure your relatives and yourself are vaccinated before celebrating Christmas and New Year!

Maintain Social Distancing and Wear a Mask

The next step that needs to be done to prevent new clusters is to always wear a mask and maintain your distance. During the holidays, it’s almost inevitable that you will do activitiesmove among many people. As a precaution, make sure to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus through droplets that can enter your mouth or nose. You also have to wear it properly by making sure that it covers the nose and mouth and keep the hands clean when wearing or opening the mask. In addition to masks, you also need to maintain a distance of 1 meter from others, especially when meeting people at Christmas or New Year celebrations.

Reduce Mobility and Limit the Number of People At Gathering

During a pandemic, of course, we need to stay vigilant if we want to hold a gathering during Christmas or New Year celebrations. Maybe you want to make this momentum to gather with loved ones. However, the danger of spreading the coronavirus still persists. Preferably, if you want to hold a gathering, you need to limit the number of people who will come and also reduce mobility in an effort to curb the spread through physical contact. After meeting people, you also need to maintain health by keeping your hands clean and cleaning your personal items with disinfectant. If you are not feeling well, you should not have to attend any gathering during Christmas or New Year holidays. 

Doing Activities in Outdoor Area

The last recommended way to prevent new Covid-19 clusters is to have meetings in open spaces. This is because the coronavirus will spread faster in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. Therefore, the risk of transmission in enclosed spaces is greater than open spaces because of the poor air circulation. But still, meetings in open spaces also need to be limited to avoid any crowding situation. 

There are the four tips that can be done as an effort to stay safe when celebrating Christmas and New Year. These efforts cannot work optimally if we do not remind each other to vaccinate, wear masks, wash hands, maintain distance, reduce mobility, and avoid eating together and crowding. So, let's take care of each other! And make sure you stay updated to the latest Covid-19 developments through JAKI! Now available for download through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.


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Syora Alya Eka Putri

Seorang content writer di Jakarta Smart City yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Magister Kebijakan Pembangunan Sosial di Universitas Indonesia.

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