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Take a Look Behind the Citizen Relation Management App

Mike Nafizahni

14 July 2021

Have you ever thought about how problem reports are resolved? One of them is certainly because of the officers’ hard work who follow up on the report. However, before reaching the officers, all incoming reports will be filtered by the Citizen Relation Management (CRM). CRM system has many features that can help officers complete reports more efficiently. Then, what are these features? Jakarta Smart City has dissected it through an article that you can read here. To give a clearer picture, let's see the CRM app below!

What's Behind the CRM App?

The officer's CRM app contains all the reports that need a follow-up or response by relevant officers. For reports that are made through the JAKI application, they will be divided into two types: private reports and non-private reports (public). Here's what both of them look like on the officer CRM app.

  • Private Report

CRM app mobile view (Version 2.0.5)

CRM app web view (Version 2.0.5)

In private reports, the entire identity of the reporter, including the picture of the report, is not displayed (locked). In addition, each report also has a label that reads, “The report is private. Do not share the information in this report with anyone”.

  • Public Report

CRM app mobile view (Version 2.0.5)

CRM app web view (Version 2.0.5)

In public reports, only photos of the report can be seen by the officers, with the identity of the reporter remains anonymous. In addition, each report also has a label that reads, “Do not share the information in this report with anyone”. This is done so that the officers who follow up on the report maintain the confidentiality of the data contained in the report, even when the report is not set to private.

CRM Designed To Protect Reporters’ Privacy

The CRM system is continuously updated in order to provide convenience and security for both officers and reporters. In the latest CRM system, all information regarding the identity of the reporter is not displayed, both on reports that are private and reports that are not set to private. Each officer has also been reminded to maintain the confidentiality of data contained in the report.

However, for those who choose not to hide their reports, they are still expected to be able to make reports more carefully. Such as not taking pictures of reports that could show personal identity or taking pictures of reports from an angle where the source can be known by others. Keep reporting every problem you encounter through JAKI, because your report helps Jakarta to be even better. To download JAKI, visit  Google Play Store or App Store from your device.

Citizen Report

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Mike Nafizahni

Menulis segala hal yang berkaitan dengan hiruk pikuk Ibu Kota. Pegiat dan penikmat karya sastra lulusan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Saat ini menjadi bagian dari Jakarta Smart City sebagai tim Content Writer.

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