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Reasons Why You Should Take Your Second Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine

Siti Sarah S.

26 July 2021

You may be familiar with vaccinations. When you were a child, you received various vaccination shots. When you go to certain countries such as Saudi Arabia for umrah or hajj, you are also required to get a meningococcal vaccination, even before getting married there is a tetanus vaccination that we must get. By receiving a vaccination, you will have a higher immunity against a disease so you may not get the disease at all or if you are still infected, you will have milder symptoms than people who have not received the vaccine.

Now, we are facing a Covid-19 pandemic that has lasted more than a year. You definitely want this pandemic to end soon, right? Well, the Covid-19 vaccination is the safest way to achieve herd immunity from the dangers of Covid-19 to help our recovery against this pandemic. Generally, some types of Covid-19 vaccines require 2 doses of vaccination to get optimal protection.

Why Should You Get Your Second Covid-19 Shot? 

Based on a study from The New England Journal of Medicine. After getting the second dose, a person will get more antibodies to fight the virus and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine in the body. 

One of the vaccines used in Indonesia is the Sinovac vaccine. As per official guidelines, Sinovac should be given in 2 doses with an interval of 14-28 days. The first dose is intended to trigger the initial immune response and the second dose is to amplify the preconceived immune response. By getting the 2nd dose after 28 days, your antibodies will form optimally.

In the first 14-28 days, the vaccine will work about 60%. After the second dose, the vaccine will work at least 90%.

Some other vaccines such as chickenpox, hepatitis A, Herpes Zoster (snake pox) also require two doses of vaccine to prevent disease and optimize immunity in the body. 

Now with the development of several variants of Covid-19, especially the delta variant which is more contagious and more dangerous, a two-dose vaccine is needed so that the body gets the best immunity. 

According to Oluwatosin Goje, MD of the Cleveland Clinic, not everyone has the same response and level of immunity after the first dose. Therefore, by making sure everyone gets a second dose, everyone gets the best possible immunity. Dr. Goje also stated that if we only get the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination, then we will not achieve herd immunity. Herd immunity will only be achieved if the majority of people in an area get two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.  

Official Guidelines from the Ministry of Health 

Now you know why two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine are needed. Then, what is the recommended dose interval and the administration method based on each type of Covid-19 vaccine? Check out the following table:

Dosage and method of administering various types of Covid-19 vaccines  (KMK No. HK.01.07-MENKES-4638-2021)

You can see that most Covid-19 vaccines require two doses. So, make sure you get the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine based on the minimum interval listed for your first vaccine.

If you are a Covid-19 survivor, then you can be vaccinated 3 months after recovering. If after the first dose you are infected with Covid-19, then the first dose of vaccination does not need to be repeated. You can receive a second dose of vaccine after 3 months of being declared cured.        

How is the Development of Second Dose of Vaccination in Jakarta? 

Jakarta, which has been vaccinating since the beginning of the year, is now continuing to open up opportunities so that residents can be vaccinated as soon as possible. Now residents 12 years and over can get vaccinations at the nearest health facility or at vaccination centers opened in Jakarta.

As of Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 6,646,485 people or 75.4% of the population have been vaccinated with the first dose. So, what about the second dose? Based on data from on the same date, 2,021,486 people had received their second dose of vaccine, or about 22.9% of the population.

The achievements by group can be seen as follows:

Looking at these data, Jakarta certainly can't be said to have achieved herd immunity because the percentage of residents who are vaccinated with two doses is still  below the target. Therefore, for those of you who have not received the Covid-19 vaccine at all, let's register yourself immediately. And for those of you who are waiting for the second dose of vaccine, keep yourself safe by complying with health protocols and maintaining good health until you get the second dose  vaccine.  

Register for Covid-19 Vaccination through the JAKI application

If you haven't registered for vaccination, you can easily register through JAKI. Download JAKI here, then follow these steps:

  1. Open JAKI and select the Covid-19 Vaccination Registration banner 

  1. Fill in your ID number (NIK) and full name

  1. If you are not registered yet, then you can register in the JAKI application by clicking the Daftar Vaksinasi Covid-19 button.

  1. Follow the steps and fill out the pre-screening form that appears. Then, select the vaccination schedule and location. 

  2. After completing registration, you will go to the following page that informs you about the schedule and location you have chosen. 

  1. Done. You can download and print the pre-screening results and bring them to the vaccination location as scheduled. 

If you have carried out the first dose of vaccination, you can see your vaccination status turning orange. You can also view the schedule for your second vaccination. The schedule for the second dose of vaccination is determined by PeduliLindungi. After getting the vaccine you will usually receive a vaccination card showing when and where you will get the second dose of vaccination.

If you get vaccinated at a vaccination center, such as Gelora Bung Karno, Kota Kasablanka Mall and not at a certain health facility, then you can schedule the location and date of vaccination for the second dose. Just open JAKI and then tap the vaccination registration banner again. After entering your ID number and full name, select “Periksa”. Then, click “Daftar Ulang Vaksinasi Kedua” at the bottom of the screen. Only after that, you can choose the schedule and location for your second dose of vaccination, and complete the required personal data information. And then, in the end, don't forget to take a pre-screening test and print the control card. So easy isn't it?

Together Towards a Healthier Jakarta 

The Covid-19 vaccination is an important step that must be taken so that this pandemic ends soon. The more fully vaccinated people with two doses of vaccine, the faster we will achieve herd immunity. We will be healthier and protected from the threat of Covid-19. Now we are both fighting for this, so take care of yourself and your environment by vaccinating and implementing strict health protocols until this pandemic is over!

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Siti Sarah S.

A content writer for Jakarta Smart City who loves engaging in meaningful works that makes a good impact for society even in a simple and subtle way. She is also a linguistics enthusiast and an avid reader who loves prose and poetry. Say hi to her on Twitter and IG: @sarafizaa or email to

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