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What You Can Do After Getting a Covid-19 Vaccine

Tiffany Aisyah Septiana

17 March 2021

The Covid-19 vaccination has been carried out in Jakarta and its surrounding areas since 15 January this year. The Covid-19 vaccination is carried out as an effort to reduce the number of positive Covid-19 numbers by making the immune system in your body so that the body can recognize and be able to fight when exposed to the disease. Vaccination will also accelerate the effort to create herd immunity conditions among the Jakartans.

[Reasons Why You Should Take Covid-19 Vaccination]

Split into four phases, the current vaccination rollout is in the second phase. One of the priority groups in this stage is seniors of 60 years old and over that have been registered by the Ministry of Health or the surrounding RT / RW and pass the selection according to their condition and health history. You can check whether you or your family are Covid-19 registered as vaccine recipients in this phase through the JAKI application. If you are a recipient of the Covid-19 vaccine, there are a number of things you need to pay attention to after vaccinating.

Vaccine Side Effects

Whatever type of vaccine, including the Covid-19 vaccine, have ingredients that can cause minor side effects. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the covid-19 vaccine has several side effects including:

  • Pain and swelling in the area of injection;

  • Fever;

  • Shivering;

  • Tired or not feeling well;

  • Headache;

  • It is rare but one should pay attention to side effects of shortness of breath, allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.

To avoid these side effects, after you receive the Covid-19 vaccine, you are advised not to leave health facilities or vaccination sites for about 30 minutes. So that the doctor can make sure you do not experience side effects from the vaccines that are received. If you experience side effects after vaccinating, contact the nearest health facility immediately.

Prepare for the Second Dose

The COVID-19 vaccine is given in two shots or doses in order to produce an optimal immune reaction against the Coronavirus. Based on the research by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the second dose was carried out for 0-14 days after the first for adults, while for the elderly it took 28 days to do the second dose after receiving their first.

Maintain Health Protocols

After receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, it doesn't mean that you are completely protected from this virus. You can still get this disease, you can even pass it on to other people. The only way that so far has been able to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 is to implement the health protocol (Wearing a Mask, Washing Hands, Maintaining Distance).

You can also support the 3T efforts (Tracing, Testing, Treatment). Keep paying attention to the surrounding environment, if you make close contact and experience symptoms of Covid-19, make sure you keep checking at the nearest health facility.

Postpone Vaccinations for Other Diseases

After getting the COVID-19 vaccination, you should postpone vaccines for other diseases, such as the flu vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine. The delay time for vaccination for other diseases after getting the COVID-19 vaccination is around 2–4 weeks.

So, now you know what to do after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. After receiving the vaccine, that doesn’t mean you are allowed to be careless about implementing the health protocol. By continuing strict health protocols, that means you will also continue the effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19. You can also find out information about Covid-19 in Jakarta through JAKI. Download JAKI on the Google Play Store and App Store.

Covid-19 Vaccinations

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Tiffany Aisyah Septiana

Not a good writer, just a random writer.

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