As a form of transparency in the midst of COVID-19
outbreak, the Government of Jakarta has disclosed a number of CRM
(Citizen Relation Management) complaints data that can be accessed by
the public through Data Visualization sub-menu on the official website. In there, you then choose the Dashboard of Community Complaints Related to COVID-19 to start exploring.
Reporting Trends
As the name implies, the data and numbers displayed in this
dashboard are only those related to COVID-19 and sourced from the
Jakarta Smart City CRM database. This allows us to see reporting trends
as the pandemic cases continue to develop in the capital. For example,
as shown in the trend of reports per day graph, we can see a surge in
reports when the government limits public transportation services on
March 23. Information like this is certainly very useful for the
government in terms of policymaking in the future.

SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 was first
detected in Wuhan, China, in November 2019, and has since begun to
spread globally. As we know, Indonesia announced the first two patients
who tested positive for COVID-19 on March 2, 2020. This was also
reflected in the accumulation of reports where complaints about the
coronavirus outbreak were only started to receive by the CRM system in
early March.

Follow-Up Report
Next, we will be presented with a pie chart that explains
the progress or status of public complaint reports. Of the total 2,109
reports that came through the CRM channels, as many as 91.4 percents had
been successfully completed by the Regional Apparatus Organizations
(OPD) and other Provincial Government officials.

And if we are referring to the diagram on the right column
regarding the number of incoming reports per channel, it will reveal
that email is still the most favorite method of most Jakartans for
reporting problems. The email has the highest numbers in both
parameters: number of reports (465) and the number of reporters (362).
It was then followed by two social media, Twitter, and Facebook.
Jakarta's very own application, JAKI, is in fourth, while short messages
via SMS complete the top five.
What Categories Are the Most Reported?
On April 10, 2020, Jakarta officially imposed Large-Scale
Social Restrictions (PSBB) to reduce the movement of residents outside
the home and reduce the rate of spread of COVID-19. The government
received assistance from the relevant OPD to take action against
violations that occurred during the PSBB period. Citizens can also help
enforce the rules by filling a complaint report.
[Citizen Reports Help Jakarta Police Deal With Crowds Amidst Pandemic]
To improve the speed and accuracy of responses, citizens
must choose a category for their report. These parameters help the
analysis process to find out what types of violations are most reported
during a pandemic. Disruption of Peace and Order came out as the most
reported category with a total of 859 reports which includes violations
such as an illegal gathering of more than five people.

Not all citizen reports are made to report violations. The
Social Aid category, for example, is the second most reported category,
and some contain complaints about the process of social aid
[Five Report Category You Can Use in JAKI during COVID-19]
In addition to the category, citizens are also asked to
provide concise descriptions of the problems they encounter. From there,
the CRM database can create a word cloud by gathering the words most
often used by the people of Jakarta.

And finally, you can see a comparison of the number of
reports per category from the period before and during the COVID-19
period. The most striking trend is the decrease in the number of reports
in the category of Violations of Regulations. While the category of
Disruption of Peace and Order continues to increase, seemingly in line
with the increasing cases of coronavirus outbreaks.

So how was it Smartcitizen? With this dashboard, you
certainly learn a lot about the ins and outs of the Cepat Respon
Masyarakat system. So, don't stop helping Jakarta in battling COVID-19
by continuing to report any problems or violations that you encounter in
your surroundings.