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The Do’s and Don’ts of the PSBB Transition Period

Nadhif Seto Sanubari

12 June 2020

When we heard Governor Anies Baswedan announce the gradual lifting of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB), we may have breathed a collective sigh of relief. Finally, we can once more leave the confines of our homes, reunite with our friends, and return to our daily activities. Of course, you can do all that now, however, it’s important to do it with moderation. The emphasis here lies on the term ‘Transition Period’ which means we are still in between PSBB and a return to normalcy. Many restrictions, though partially lifted, are still in effect to make sure no one goes overboard and that this transition goes smoothly. 

Establishments that have reopened such as restaurants, shops, and offices are only operating at 50% capacity. Meaning that they will only fit in half the amount of people into their establishment as they do normally. The same applies to trains, buses, and taxis who will only take half the amount of passengers that they are able to carry. However, rules are merely a small part of the solution. The bigger part is our everyday actions and discipline as citizens. We must take this chance to learn to be better, educate ourselves, and remind others on what we should or should not do to make sure the transition period goes over well.

Go Out If Healthy, Stay Home If Sick

In times like these, your health also means everyone else’s health. If you feel fit and healthy, you are allowed to leave your home to do activities. However, if you are feeling a bit under the weather, whether it is a cough, flu, fever, or something else, it is better for you to stay at home until you feel reasonably healthier. As we know by now, people who are ill are more vulnerable to contracting COVID-19. In the worst-case scenario, you may unknowingly be a positive case and risk spreading it to others. If you are experiencing certain symptoms and suspect that you may have COVID-19, you can perform the COVID-19 Likeliness Meter test through the JakCLM feature on the JAKI app (available on the Google Play Store and App Store). 

Even when you are healthy and are planning on going outside, always remember to wear a mask. Other vulnerable persons such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly are allowed to leave the home as long as they are healthy. However, they are still prohibited from participating in certain places such as recreational parks and outdoor sport facilities. Some stores will also perform mandatory temperature checks before allowing you to enter.

Avoid Forming Crowds

Even though most of us are allowed to leave our homes, it is still not advisable to form or participate in activities that create large crowds of people. There is a reason that the stores, parks, and offices that reopen are only allowed to operate at 50% capacity. A large amount of people gathering in a small or enclosed space proposes a high risk for further spread of COVID-19. The coronavirus spreads through viral water droplets released from the mouth and nose, and people with close proximity are much more likely to inhale these droplets. 

This is where the importance of keeping a safe distance of 1 meter between you and other people comes in, as well as the need for wearing masks. Places that are half as full allows greater space between people so that they don’t crowd together. If while doing activities outdoors you see a big crowd or gathering of people, it is best to stay away. You can help report the event through the JAKI app or other complaint channels provided by the Jakarta Provincial Government. Authorities will arrive on the scene shortly and disperse the crowd.

Travel Etiquette

Obviously, now that the restrictions have been partially lifted, you would need to get places. The ideal way of traveling during this time is simply by walking or cycling. These two methods are the best means of travel for now as they are healthy, cheap, and exposes you to the least amount of physical contact with other people. While walking, be sure to keep a safe distance between you and other pedestrians. Do not linger and stand around for too long, especially if you’re walking with multiple people. If your destination is too far to be covered by walking or cycling, your own personal vehicle would be the next safe bet as it also requires the least amount of close contact. Another option is to use an online motorcycle taxi service. But always remember to use a cloth mask and use a hand sanitizer when getting on and off the vehicle and use your own helmet. 

If this is still not possible, you could still take the bus or train. This is the least recommended out of all the transportation options as it involves a lot of people crowded together in a small enclosed space for long periods of time. Even though the transports are operating at 50% passenger capacity, it still poses some significant risk. While inside the bus or carriage, be sure to stay at least 1 meter away from all other passengers. If you have to sneeze or cough, do not do it in the direction of another passenger, instead cough or sneeze into your inner elbow. Wash your hands immediately after getting off, or take a shower if you are arriving at home. If you see that the bus or train is too packed, it is preferable to wait for the next one until you find one that is not too crowded. Being late to work or an appointment is not worth risking your health over.

[PSBB Transition Period: how to do your activity safely]

Smartcitizen, now that you have some idea of the things you should or should not do during the PSBB transition period, always try to remind yourself and others to practice it. Whether or not this transition to normalcy goes according to plan depends on the initiative and discipline of the citizens. If we all work together and be smart, by the time the month rolls around we will be one step closer to returning to normal living like before the pandemic.

Transition Period
Jakarta Covid-19 Response

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Nadhif Seto Sanubari

Penulis dan penerjemah alumni Universitas Bina Nusantara, dengan pengalaman internasional di University of Bradford, UK dan Deakin University, Australia.

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