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Report These PPKM Violations Through JAKI

Amira Sofa

17 September 2021

Have you ever witnessed a PPKM violation around you? For example, a bunch of people causing crowds or some activities in public places that do not apply health protocols. If you have, for the sake of mutual comfort and safety, it would be a good idea for you to report such violation. One of the complaint channels that you can use is the JakLapor feature on JAKI.

However, to know what violations you can report, you need to know the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 3 regulations that is currently implemented in Jakarta. Referring to the Governor’s Decree №1096 of 2021, the PPKM rules are divided based on the type of activity sector. The following is a list of violations that you can report through JakLapor at JAKI in each sector of activity.


During PPKM Level 3, only essential and critical sectors are allowed to operate in the office. Therefore, if you find offline activities in non-essential sector offices, you can report them through JakLapor. Meanwhile, essential and critical sector offices whose employees are allowed to work from the office also need to implement vaccination certificate checks, check-in and check-out before entering and leaving the building for certain sectors, obeying health protocols, and following staff capacity requirements.

Essential sector offices/workplaces may only operate with a maximum of 50% staff, 25% for special office administration services for finance and banking, 10% for special administrative services for export-oriented industries, and and follow the technical provisions of the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform for public services in the government. Critical sector offices/workplaces may operate with 100% staff and 25% for office administration services.

If the office where you work violates the WFO/WFH policy or staff capacity, you can also report it through JakLapor. No need to worry about your identity being discovered, because JakLapor has a private system by default so you automatically report anonymously.

Educational Institutions

A total of 610 schools in Jakarta have conducted limited face-to-face learning activities (PTM). There are several violations in the teaching and learning activity sector that you can report, such as violations of PTM capacity, violations of PTM requirements, and violations of health protocols. For information, PTM is carried out with a maximum capacity of 50%, except for SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, SMLB and MALB at a maximum of 62% to 100% and PAUD a maximum of 33% by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class. Schools that are allowed to hold PTM must meet the criteria for passing assessment 1 on the readiness of the Education Unit (SP) and assessment 2 on Learning from Home (BDR), meet verification, and the teachers and principals have passed the training.

Regarding PTM practice, schools and teachers are required to apply several regulations, such as providing queue signs/designated sitting at some school facilities, installing information banners related to Covid-19, guiding students to follow other health protocols, monitoring students with the Covid-19 Task Force, limiting student capacity, and changing the schedule of each class. If one of these rules is not followed by the school, as a student, parent, or even a teacher, you have the right to report it so that it can be followed up.

[The Health Protocols During Face-to-Face Learning at School]

Daily Needs

The daily necessities sector includes:

  1. Supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores;
  2. Pharmacies, drug stores;
  3. People’s market that sells non-daily necessities;
  4. Street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, barber shops, laundry, hawkers, small workshops, vehicle washes, and the like.

Violations that you can report regarding this sector are violations of operating hours and visitor capacity. Basically, traditional markets, grocery stores, and supermarkets provide essential goods, so they are allowed to operate until 9 p.m with a capacity of 50% visitors. Pharmacies and drug stores are allowed to open 24 hours. The people’s market operates at 50% until 5 p.m. Meanwhile, street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, and the like can operate until 9 p.m. If you find these places operating outside of their operating hours or capacity rules, don’t hesitate to report a violation.

Restaurant/Dining Places

PPKM Level 3 regulations divide eating places into several types, namely:

  1. Food stalls, street vendors, hawker stalls, and similar places
  2. Restaurants, cafes in buildings, closed shops in separate locations
  3. Restaurants, cafes with service areas in the open space.

Things that include violations at the dining area are related to capacity, number of visitors at one table, and dine time. Food stalls, street vendors, hawker stalls and similar places may operate until 9 p.m with a maximum of 50% capacity and a maximum meal time of 60 minutes. Meanwhile, restaurants, in-building cafes, and closed shops in separate locations provide dine-in services with a maximum capacity of 50%, 1 table for a maximum of 2 people and a maximum meal time of 60 minutes. Restaurants, cafes with open space service areas can operate 50% until 9 p.m with a maximum 2 people at 1 table and 60 minutes dine time. Visitors are required to check-in and check-out through the PeduliLindungi application. If there are restaurants or visitors who do not follow these provisions, please report them through the JakLapor feature.

Shopping Center/Mall/Trade Center

Malls or shopping centers are allowed to operate. However, there are some provisions for visitors and shopping center workers. Shopping centers/malls/trade centers can operate 50% until 9 p.m. All visitors and employees are required to check-in and check-out before entering and leaving the building. In addition, all restaurants, cafes inside shopping centers/malls/trade centers can only serve dine-in with a maximum capacity of 50%, 1 table for a maximum of 2 people, and a maximum meal time of 60 minutes. The cinema can operate 50% with the prohibition to eat and drink. In addition, children under 12 years old are prohibited from entering shopping centers/malls/trade centers and cinema. Violations related to operating hours, capacity, visitor provisions, and dine-in provisions at shopping centers/malls/trade centers like that can be reported immediately.


Regulations related to activities at construction sites are divided by type of place. Construction sites for public infrastructure can operate 100%. However, there are still strict operating hours, capacity and health protocols. Violations related to these matters are also one of the types of violations that can be reported through JakLapor. Meanwhile, for non-public infrastructure construction sites, a maximum of 30 people are allowed to operate.

Place of Worship

Worship activities at places of worship can be held in congregation during the PPKM Level 3. It’s just that the maximum capacity is 50% or 50 people by implementing health protocols. If you find a capacity or health protocol violation at a place of worship, don’t hesitate to report it through JakLapor.

Healthcare Facilities

Given that health facilities are urgently needed in the midst of a pandemic, health facilities are allowed to operate 100%. However, if you find a violation of health protocols such as not wearing a mask or not keeping your distance, please report it immediately.

Public Areas and Crowded Places

Public areas in PPKM Level 3 regulations are divided into the following.

  1. Public facilities, public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions, and other public areas
  2. Certain tourist attractions
  3. Wedding reception venue
  4. Locations for arts, culture, and social activities that have the potential to cause crowds
  5. Sports facilities

Certain tourist attractions may operate until 9.00 p.m. Visitors are required to check-in and check-out through PeduliLindungi, and follow the odd-even rules along the way to and from tourist attractions from Friday at 12 p.m to Sunday at 6 p.m. Public facilities, public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions, other public areas along with the location of arts, culture, and social activities are temporarily suspended. So, if you see that public area opened during PPKM, you can report it via JakLapor.

Wedding receptions can be held with a maximum of 20 guests and no dine-in at premises. Sports facilities in closed spaces, groups and competitions are temporarily closed. Meanwhile, outdoor sports facilities can operate until 9 p.m with a maximum group of 4 people, do not involve physical contact, and apply health protocols, temperature checks, and check-in and check-out. Outdoor sports facilities are also open with 50% of capacity. If there is a violation of operating hours, the maximum number of sports groups, and health protocols, you can immediately report it.

Modes of transportation

In the transportation sector, especially public transportation, mass transportation, conventional and online taxis, and rental vehicles, there are several violations that you can report. These modes of transportation are only allowed to carry a maximum of 50% of passengers. So, if you find a capacity violation and not in accordance with the regulations, you can report it to JakLapor.

Those are the types of PPKM Level 3 violations in each sector that you can report through the JakLapor feature on JAKI. You can download the JAKI application through the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. By reporting violations at JAKI, you have contributed to help the PPKM run smoothly with a safer way. Because, JAKI will automatically make you anonymous when reporting violations. Just an additional tip, when taking pictures of the violations, make sure you don’t expose things that may potentially reveal your identity, such as your house, and so on.


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Amira Sofa

Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.

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