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What Makes KSBB So Different?

Nadhif Seto Sanubari

14 May 2020

This year, by chance Ramadhan has arrived while the world and citizens of Indonesia is stricken by a great ordeal in the form of the coronavirus. The Islamic month of giving coinciding with strife that threatens certain people’s lives and livelihoods makes this a perfect time for the citizens to band together and help one another in their time of need. Various donation platforms have reared their heads during this time, and among them is the Large Scale Social Collaboration (KSBB) platform facilitated by the Jakarta Provincial Government. KSBB is a platform for citizens who would like to lend a hand to fellow citizens in need, with emphasis on a tight relationship among citizens. Donations submitted through the KSBB platform are sourced from the people and delivered to the people. But from the myriad of other donation platforms, what makes KSBB stand out from the rest?

A Complete Data Map for KSBB

As an online-based donation platform, KSBB can be accessed through the official Jakarta COVID-19 Response website. Opening this web page, you will see a digital map of Jakarta that displays various details on the donation recipients as well as additional data on the number of People Under Monitoring (ODP), Patients Under Supervision (PDP), and positive COVID-19 cases in each hamlet. The total number of donation recipients which include prioritized hamlets, orphanages, disability homes, nursing homes, and Islamic boarding schools are likewise displayed beside the map. All relevant info for the recipient hamlets are displayed once you click on them on the map including the number of families living there and the name of the head of hamlet. Similarly, you can click on the location of institutions such as orphanages or nursing homes to learn its address and the amount of people housed there. So before proceeding to the donation, you can learn as much as you’d like about where and who will receive your donation.

Transparency in Donations

After you have selected where you would send your donation to, you must fill out several personal details about yourself or the party you represent, the date of delivery, as well as signing a statement of the commitment letter. The format of the letter could also be downloaded through the site. With this statement, the donator guarantees responsibility for the delivery of their donations within the deadline of their choosing. To promote transparency for the donors and recipients alike, all the information provided by the donator will be displayed on the KSBB map. The name of the individual or party of donors, date of delivery, as well as the type of donation sent can be viewed by anyone.

[How do we donate through KSBB Platform?]

Rest assured, the contact info provided while filling out the commitment letter will not be displayed publicly but it will be forwarded to the recipient of your donation whether it be the head of hamlet or a representative from an institution. This is done so that the recipient party may contact you to coordinate on the logistics of delivering your donation to an agreed location. Direct communication between both parties will surely simplify the process.

Report Your Problems Through CRM

Sometimes you might encounter some problems while in the process of delivering your donations. Whatever that problem may be, using the integrated CRM system, you can easily file a report for it. CRM is an official citizen’s report platform provided by the Provincial Government and incorporates 14 different complaint channels, both physical and digital. During the enactment of large scale social distancing, it is advised that citizens only make use of the digital or online-based channels such as the JAKI application or the @DKIJakarta on Twitter. Every report will be received by the appropriate village office or department which will send officers to deal with the problem as soon as possible.

[What is Cepat Respon Masyarakat?]

Now you know all the features that make KSBB stand apart from the rest. These features are not only meant to make KSBB stand out, but they were also specifically designed to ensure your donating experience is a smooth one. Come and lend a hand for your fellow citizens through the KSBB Platform.


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Nadhif Seto Sanubari

Penulis dan penerjemah alumni Universitas Bina Nusantara, dengan pengalaman internasional di University of Bradford, UK dan Deakin University, Australia.

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