State Capital Law (UU IKN) has been legalised, and based on this regulation, Jakarta will no longer be the nation's capital in the future. But, as a centre for global scale economic and business, Jakarta will still hold a special status. In order for this new vision to be realised, it is necessary to accelerate digital transformation and use the latest information and communication technology.
However, Jakarta still has many things to improve, which include digital infrastructure, digital business processes, facilities and infrastructure, policies, governance and institutions, funding, and human resources. Even now, the Jakarta Provincial Government is preparing a Draft Law regarding the specificity of Jakarta after it is no longer the capital city of Indonesia. Therefore, the Jakarta Provincial Government creates space for all stakeholders to provide input, analysis, and solutions related to the development of the digital economy in order to make Jakarta a global economic and business centre. One of them is through the Jakarta Digital Outlook: Digital Economy Development Towards Jakarta as a Centre for Global Scale Economy and Business webinar series.
Highlights From Jakarta Digital Outlook Series 1
Jakarta Digital Outlook consists of two series. The first series was held online on 17 February 2022 with the theme Digital Transformation Towards Jakarta as a Centre for Global Scale Economy and Business. This first series aims to gather input and views of all stakeholders as the basis for formulating the concept of planning for the digital transformation of Jakarta. It is hoped that with this activity, the Jakarta Provincial Government can provide better public services for the community in order to prepare Jakarta to become a global-scale economic and business centre city. The keynote speaker at the webinar series was Sigit Wijatmoko, as the Government Assistant for the Jakarta Provincial Secretary. Meanwhile, the keynote speaker was Samuel Abrijani (Director General of Informatics Applications from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology).
A number of speakers participating were:
Dr. Aswin Sasongko (Wantiknas, Former Secretary General and Director General of Application and Informatics, Ministry of Communication and Informatics)
Dr. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi (Founder of CitiAsia, Former Director General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Director General of Application and Informatics, Ministry of Communication and Informatics)
Prof. Kalamullah Ramli (University of Indonesia, Former Director General of Post and Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Informatics)
Dr. Alexander Rusli, PhD (Founder of DigiAsia, Former CEO of Indosat, and Special Staff at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics)
with moderator Yudhistira Nugraha, Head of BLUD Jakarta Smart City (JSC).
Considering that JDO Series 1 has concluded, Smartcitizens can re-watch the webinar via JSC’s YouTube and access the policy brief prepared by each speaker on the Jakarta Provincial Government website and social media channels.
Let’s Join the Jakarta Digital Outlook Series 2!
The first Jakarta Digital Outlook series focuses on the basis for formulating the concept of digital transformation planning in Jakarta, meanwhile JDO Series 2 which will be held on 10 March 2022, focuses on gathering input from stakeholders regarding the development of the digital economy as an important part of Jakarta's vision as an economic centre and global business. This 2nd series will be started with remarks from Atika Nur Rahmania, as the Head of Communications and Information Technology of DKI Jakarta Province and also present one keynote speech, Mira Tayyiba (Secretary General of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia).
The speakers for JDO Series 2 are as follows.
Aldi Haryopratomo (Halodoc Board of Advisors, Commissioner of eFishery, Former CEO of Gopay)
Sri Safitri (Deputy EVP Customer Experience & Digitalization - Chief Digital Business Office - Telkom Indonesia)
Adrian A. Gunadi (Co-Founder & CEO of Investree)
Italo Gani (Venture Partner East Venture & Managing Partner of Impactto)
with Yudhistira Nugraha, Head of Jakarta Smart City as a moderator.
Through JDO Series 2, you will not only be able to listen to discussions from stakeholders, but also can ask questions directly to the speakers regarding related topics. Similar to series 1, after the webinar, the team will also distribute a policy brief that has been prepared by each speaker through the Jakarta Provincial Government website and social media channels.

Are you interested in joining the webinar and participating in the discussion? Let’s attend the Jakarta Digital Outlook: Pengembangan Ekonomi Digital Menuju Jakarta sebagai Pusat Ekonomi dan Bisnis Berskala Global (Digital Economy Development Towards Jakarta as a Centre for Global Scale Economy and Business) Series 2. This event will be held online on Thursday, March 10, at 9 a.m to 12 p.m (WIB). To join the webinar, Smartcitizens can visit See you at the event!