Home > Article > Level 1 PPKM in Jakarta: What Things Are Allowed To Be Done?
Good news for Jakartans! As of May 24, Jakarta's PPKM level has been dropped to level 1. Based on the Jakarta Smart City team interview with dr. Ngabila from the DKI Jakarta Health Office, the decline in the PPKM level was determined based on various aspects, such as coverage of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd vaccination doses, PCR testing capability, testing rate, positivity rate, case fatality rate, hospitalization rates, to tracing ratio, which is the government's ability to track positive cases in Jakarta.
With the change in PPKM levels, there are some regulatory adjustments, Smartcitizen. What are the provisions for visiting public spaces at this time? What activities can people do in public spaces? Read more to find out.
During Level 1 PPKM, residents who work in non-essential sectors are allowed 100% to work from the office (WFO). Essential sectors in the government sector can follow the technical provisions issued by the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia. Essential sectors such as finance and banking (covering insurance, banks, pawnshops, futures exchanges, pension funds, and financial institutions), capital markets, information and communication technology (covering cellular operators, data centers, internet, media), non-quarantine handling hotels, and export-oriented and supporting industries are allowed to work 100% from the office. Meanwhile, critical sectors such as health, security and order, disaster management, energy, logistics, post, transportation and distribution, food and beverages, fertilizers and petrochemicals, cement and building materials, national vital objects, national strategic projects, construction, and utilities base can also implement work from office 100%.
Even so, the fields of administrative services in the financial and banking sectors, export-oriented industries, disaster management, energy, logistics, postal, transportation and distribution, food and beverages, fertilizers and petrochemicals, cement and building materials, national vital objects, national strategic projects, construction, and basic utilities can only apply WFO as much as 75%.
All operating offices are required to implement stricter health protocols. Several sectors such as non-quarantine handling hotels, export-oriented industries, energy, logistics, postal, transportation and distribution, food and beverages, fertilizers and petrochemicals, cement and building materials, public infrastructure construction, and basic utilities are required to do screening process to workers and visitors via PeduliLindungi at the entrance and exit doors of the office. Only those who have been vaccinated are allowed to enter.
Not much has changed from the new regulations in the education sector. The regulations of Level 1 PPKM still allow schools to conduct limited face-to-face learning and/or distance learning based on a Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health and Minister of Home Affairs Number 01/KB/2022, Number 408 Year 2022, Number HK.01.08/MENKES/1140/2022, Number 420-1026 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the Pandemic Period of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Currently, supermarkets, hypermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores and supermarkets in Jakarta are allowed to open with a capacity of 100% of visitors. Meanwhile, the public market that sells non-daily necessities can also operate 100%. In particular, the main market may operate according to operating hours. But remember, visitors and supermarket workers and the like need to use the PeduliLindungi application for screening before entering or leaving the locations.
Considering its critical role, especially during the pandemic, pharmacies and drug stores in Jakarta can be open 24 hours, the same as before PPKM dropped to level 1.
Just like before the latest PPKM period, street vendors, grocery stores, voucher agents/outlets, barbershops, laundry, hawkers, small workshops, vehicle washes, and others of the like can operate by implementing stricter health protocols.
Food stalls, warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls, and the like may operate and provide dine-in services until 22.00 WIB by implementing stricter health protocols.
Restaurants, restaurants, cafes located in buildings/shops or open areas either in separate locations or located in shopping centers/malls are allowed to open and accept dine-in until 22.00 WIB with a maximum capacity of 100%. Every operating restaurant and cafe is required to implement stricter health protocols and screen officers and visitors using PeduliLindungi.
No worries if you want to hang out at night. Restaurants and cafes whose operating hours start at night can operate from 18.00 to 02.00 WIB with a maximum capacity of 100%. Every operating restaurant and cafe is required to implement stricter health protocols and screening processes to officers and visitors using PeduliLindungi.
Now, the new PPKM regulation allows shopping centers, malls, and trade centers to operate at maximum capacity, which is 100%, until 22.00 WIB. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by a parent. While children aged 6-12 years must show proof of vaccination at least the first vaccination. What about adults? As usual, visitors and workers of shopping centers/malls/trade centers are required to be screened using the PeduliLindungi application. Only those with the green category in the application may enter the room, unless they cannot be vaccinated for health reasons.
In addition to the shopping center which was opened, children's playgrounds and entertainment venues in shopping centers/malls/trade centers are also opened. However, visitors aged 6-12 are required to show proof of complete vaccination.
During this PPKM period, cinemas can accommodate visitors with a maximum capacity of 100% and implement screening through PeduliLindungi. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by a parent. Children aged 6-12 years must show proof of vaccination at least the first dose.
How about restaurants and cafes within the cinema area? Restaurants and cafes inside the cinema are still open, but this time at 100% capacity and dining is allowed. The cinema visit regulation must follow the health protocol set by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
Construction sites for public infrastructure and private construction can operate 100% with operating hours and capacity settings. All activities in this area must implement stricter health protocols.
Places of worship are allowed to be used for praying/doing religious activities during PPKM Level 1 with a maximum capacity of 100% by implementing stricter health protocols. All regulations related to activities in places of worship take into account the technical provisions of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.
To ensure that the community is well served regarding their health, during PPKM Level 1, health service facilities operate 100% with the application of stricter protocols, the same as in the previous PPKM period.
Public facilities in Jakarta such as public areas that can cause crowds, public parks, public tourist attractions, and others operate with a maximum capacity of 100% and follow the health protocols regulated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and/or related ministries/agencies. Activities that take place in public facilities must also implement stricter health protocols.
Weddings in Jakarta can invite guests as much as 100% of the room's capacity. There is no longer a ban on eating buffets. However, guests and event organizers are required to implement more stringent health protocols.
For those of you who want to visit art, culture, sports facilities, or attend social activities, congrats! These places are allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 100%. It's just that you still need to be screened using the PeduliLindung application.
Want to work out at the gym? At this latest level of PPKM, the fitness center or gym has received visitors with a maximum capacity of 100%. Before entering and leaving the fitness centers, visitors are required to scan the barcode via PeduliLindungi.
Public vehicles such as mass transportation, conventional and online taxis, rental vehicles, as well as online and basic motorcycle taxis can operate with a maximum capacity of 100%. Drivers and passengers are required to implement more stringent health protocols.
Looking at the decline in the PPKM level to level 1 as well as the permission to remove masks in open spaces or spaces that are not crowded with people from President Joko Widodo, Smartcitizens are curious about the condition of the Jakarta pandemic from the Health Service?
According to dr. Ngabila, cases tend to be under control. There are about 100-150 cases a day, 700-800 per week. The positivity rate is 1.8 percent, far below the 5 percent which is the limit for outbreak control according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Meanwhile, there were 4 cases of death in the last week.
Even though the case is under control, the public should not be careless. The Covid-19 disease is still in a public health emergency status and the pandemic status has not been revoked, so we still have to be vigilant, especially if there is a new virus mutation. In addition, it is also necessary to monitor other potential symptoms, such as long Covid-19 to the issue of acute hepatitis, which may be more susceptible to infecting Covid-19 survivors.
Regarding the removal of masks in open spaces, dr. Ngabila appealed to the public to continue to wear masks if they were in certain conditions. “If we feel like not being able to maintain a distance of about 1.5-2 meters from other people, it is better to wear a mask, even when in an open space. Especially for children, people who cannot be vaccinated, pregnant or lactating women, the elderly, and people with comorbidities, because the risk of infection and death is higher,” he said.
Going forward, the DKI Jakarta Health Service will continue to monitor the condition of the Covid-19 surveillance. "We hope that Jakarta can become a sentinel for Covid-19 cases in Indonesia," said dr. Ngabila ended the interview.
That was a summary of the things that you can do in Jakarta with details of the latest regulations and the response of the Health Office regarding the current condition of Covid-19. You can see the latest PPKM regulations in more detail by downloading the Governor's Decree No. 492 Year 2022. For those of you who want to carry out activities in Jakarta's public spaces, don't forget to obey the rules. One of them is by scanning QR code via JAKI. You can download the JAKI application via the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
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Amira Sofa
Seorang penulis lulusan Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Padjadjaran. Menggemari musik, puisi, film, dan isu sosial dan kesehatan mental. Saat ini, bergabung dengan tim Jakarta Smart City sebagai Content Writer.