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What Jakartan Said About Jejak Feature?

Siti Sarah S.

04 June 2021

Smartcitizen, did you know that now several locations in DKI Jakarta have implemented checkpoint monitoring using the Jejak feature in the JAKI application? This feature is a digital guestbook feature that can collect and record the number of visitors at a certain location. This digital guestbook feature is intended to prevent cluster-based Covid-19 transmission, especially in tourist attractions, which some resume its operation in limited capacity. You can find Jejak in several locations, for example at the History Museum, Kota Tua, and Lapangan Banteng. So, how does it feel to use Jejak in Jakarta? Here's what Jakartan say about the Jejak feature in JAKI.

[Travel Safer in Jakarta with Jejak Feature]

Pepeng From West Jakarta

To his surprise, this is the first time Pepeng has discovered the existence of a digital guest book. With Jejak as a digital guest book in JAKI, he feels relieved that he doesn't have to be tired of writing in a guestbook anymore, because now he only needs to scan the QR code. He knows Jejak can also reduce physical contact and he hopes that other tourist attractions in Jakarta will also immediately implement a similar system.

Nova Ayu Ramadani From South Tangerang

“Modern breakthrough” claims Nova about Jejak. With this feature, she felt that she no longer needed a manual guestbook, because it was already automatic. Although she is not a native of Jakarta, but as a visitor, she feels very helped by the Jejak application.

Anisa dan Fatah From South Jakarta and Central Jakarta

Anisa and Fatah are a couple who are both new to Jejak. According to them, the application is good for controlling the number of visitors. They also hope that other places, especially public transportation, can apply the Jejak system. 

Denok From Jakarta

Denok has already downloaded the JAKI app. With the new Jejak feature, he really feels the benefits, especially in the midst of a pandemic. He just simply scans the  QR code and no need to write to register as a visitor. 

Sania From Jakarta

Sania feels that the JAKI application is the first truly complete application from any government. With regards to features about Covid-19, the Jejak feature is very useful for tourists because there is no need to record manually using a physical guest book to visit and enjoy tourist attractions, such as museums.

Kiki From South Jakarta

Jejak is here for our benefit, so that the pandemic ends quickly, Kiki said. He added that the already good feature needs to be implemented in all tourist attractions to prevent the spread of Covid-19.  

Rosa, Tiara, and Karisa From Jakarta

With a simple QR Code scan, the three friends both agree that Jejak is a good feature, because it can tell how many visitors there are at the location. According to them, this is quite effective and easier in the era of the pandemic. Visitors do not need to hold pens and avoid contact when filling out the guestbook. 

James Pasaribu From Medan

Hailing far away from Medan, James, who visited Lapangan Banteng to play and exercise said that Jejak is a very good and useful feature. With the QR Code system in the entrance and exit gates, he now can see the number of visitors around him. He added that the government has a valuable feature as a preventive measure against Covid-19.  

It's Your Turn to Try Jejak

Many people have already experienced the benefits of Jejak as a digital guestbook. They already know how easy it is to scan QR Codes without having to fill in the guest book manually. They can also monitor the number of visitors at a location so they can find out if there is a crowd or not. 

With Jejak, in the event of a confirmed Covid-19 case, the government can quickly trace other visitors who are visiting the location at the same time. This way, preventing the spread of cluster-based Covid-19 can be optimized. After many people have tried it, now is the time for you to try the Jejak feature if you visit various locations in Jakarta. So, make sure you've downloaded JAKI now.


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Siti Sarah S.

A content writer for Jakarta Smart City who loves engaging in meaningful works that makes a good impact for society even in a simple and subtle way. She is also a linguistics enthusiast and an avid reader who loves prose and poetry. Say hi to her on Twitter and IG: @sarafizaa or email to

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